A modified version of XSCHEM test schematics and primitives for the Google-Skywater 130nm process design kit. This is for the case when the length and area scales are not altered by the simulation 'option scale'
Xschem SKY130 component librarystdcells
Xschem process agnostic digital standard cell library draftsky130_stdcells
Xschem digital standard cell library specifically targeted to the Skywatersky130_fd_sc_hd
digital gate librarysky130_tests
Xschem testbenches for testing sky130_fd_pr components with NGSPICEsky130_fd_pr.patch
Patch file (apply insky130_fd_pr
directory) to replace temp with temper, allow different sizes for nfet_01v8 and addsky130.lib_tt.spice
that only loads tt corner, faster to load in ngspice.xschemrc
Xschem configuration file.
Run xschem from this directory. It will read the xschemrc file to correctly set the search paths. Stefan