Challenge details, inputs, and (eventually) results for the SAMPL7 series of challenges
See the SAMPL website for information on the Statistical Assessment of the Modeling of Proteins and Ligands (SAMPL) series of challenges as a whole. This repository focuses specifically on the SAMPL7 series of challenges.
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- Challenge Overview -- in progress
- Preliminary information on host-guest challenge components in the
- Host-guest challenge information (early May 2019)
- Gibb octa acid-based challenges
- Isaacs challenge
- Gilson lab cyclodextrin challenge
(This section under construction)
One host-guest series is based on the Gibb Deep Cavity Cavitands (GDCCs), familiar from SAMPL4-6. However, this challenge we swap one of the hosts; previously, we used octa acid (OA) and tetramethyl octa acid (TEMOA); this challenge revisits OA but also utilizes a variant which changes the location of the carboxylates. Both were developed in the laboratory of Dr. Bruce Gibb (Tulane U), who will provide binding free energies and enthalpies, measured by ITC. In this case the challenge is to predict binding of eight compounds to exo-OA (a new host created and studied by the Gibb group and first disclosed in this challenge), and two of these to OA; the other six have been studied previously in OA. Existing benchmark datasets based on the OA host may be of interest for those preparing to tackle these new complexes:; this perpetual review paper also provides a good introduction to the sampling and experimental issues which are known to be relevant in these systems. See the README on this challenge for more details.
The Isaacs lab is contributing data on binding of a series of guests to an acyclic cucubituril host, codenamed "TrimerTrip", as detailed in host_guest/Isaacs_clip
tentatively. Guest selection is still being finalized to ensure good dynamic range, but it will likely include compounds which overlap with the GDCC and cyclodextrin-derivative challenges, with a total of roughly ten complexes being examined.
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- MIT for all software/code
- CC-BY 4.0 for all other materials