Added in this version:
- Pitch Offset feature: Smoothly adjust the Pitch Offset of CharacterRotation (Y-Axis) based on the distance to target. It adds an offset to the Pitch to better see the action at closed range.
- Init and Load WBP_LockOn Widget Blueprint from plugin Content folder in constructor.
- Add ability to attach Widget Component on a specified Bone if the Actor has a MeshComponent.
- Use CharacterRotation when failing to get a CameraComponent on the actor (needed for ALS v4)
- Add a OnTargetSetRotation BlueprintAssignable event to take control over the Character Rotation.
- Add GetLockedOnTargetActor() / IsLocked() BlueprintFunction.
- Sticky Feeling when Switching to Target (thanks to @salarwalker). It changes the behaviour of the component when switching targets with Axis input (can be enabled / disabled)