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CallFromLambda test

Mikhail Pravilov edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Checks that algorithms consider call-expressions in lambda expressions. Two possible variants of refactoring can be. It is similar to ReferencesOnly test case, but all references are changed to lambdas.

Expected refactorings
Member Move to
ClassA.doSomething1() ClassB
ClassA.doSomething2() ClassB
Member Move to
ClassB.mainF() ClassA
package callFromLambda;

public class ClassA {
    private final static int CONST = 19;

    static int doSomething1() {
        return 25 + CONST;

    static int doSomething2(Object o) {
        return 21;
package callFromLambda;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class ClassB {
    public void mainF() {
        int n = 100;
        ArrayList<Integer> arrayRandom = new ArrayList<Integer>(n);

        Random rand = new Random();
        for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
            Integer r = rand.nextInt();

        List<Object> list =
                filter(integer -> ClassA.doSomething2(integer) <= integer && integer <= ClassA.doSomething1()).
        Function<Object, Integer> sumFunction = o -> ClassA.doSomething1() + ClassA.doSomething2(o);
        int sum = sumFunction.apply(22);
        sumFunction = o -> ClassA.doSomething1() + ClassA.doSomething2(o);
        sumFunction = o -> ClassA.doSomething1() + ClassA.doSomething2(o);
        sumFunction = o -> ClassA.doSomething1() + ClassA.doSomething2(o);

    static void foo() {}