Release notes - DeepBlue - v2.23.5
DEEPBLUE-168 Find and fix fails to fix solr 0 file set sizes
DEEPBLUE-22 Prevent depositors in DBD from submitting for review with no files attached
DEEPBLUE-66 Transfer file sets from work to another
DEEPBLUE-160 About and Help pages need header correction
DEEPBLUE-173 Add append script tracking
DEEPBLUE-174 Check append scripts for completion
DEEPBLUE-175 Add automatic restart of append scripts that fail
DEEPBLUE-176 Break up large number of append files into a set of smaller scripts
DEEPBLUE-178 Show run and running append scripts on work pages
DEEPBLUE-179 Add a contact us button to the deposit page
DEEPBLUE-180 View append scripts page
DEEPBLUE-181 Add manual append script restart
DEEPBLUE-182 Block starting of ingest append script if one is already running
DEEPBLUE-183 Add delete ingest append script
DEEPBLUE-188 Change settings for MCommunity
DEEPBLUE-123 Tweak email spam filter
DEEPBLUE-167 Virus checker has memory leak
DEEPBLUE-169 Update new content service to add more error logging
DEEPBLUE-170 Update gem versions
DEEPBLUE-177 Depositors should be able to see a list of collections for which they are a manager in DBD
DEEPBLUE-184 Update gem versions
DEEPBLUE-186 Add /deepbluedata-dataden/upload/ to allowed ingest append script directories
DEEPBLUE-191 Clean tmp directory in production
DEEPBLUE-192 Deploy to production - Production release v2.23.5 2023/01/26