198 commits
to master
since this release
Release notes - DeepBlue - v2.24.5
DEEPBLUE-310 DBD: Work Published email has broken link embedded in the work id.
DEEPBLUE-313 Multiple ingest script job does not report out an error when ingest fails
DEEPBLUE-308 Change storage option of APTrust upload
DEEPBLUE-309 Find and verify APTrust uploads job
DEEPBLUE-311 Update ticket creation and doi minting to add date to pending status
DEEPBLUE-314 Limit the size of email messages logged and displayed
DEEPBLUE-315 Add ORCID "strict" flag
DEEPBLUE-317 Depositor ORCID integration
DEEPBLUE-318 Deploy to production - Production release v1.24.5 2024/03/07