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Set up development environment

In the root of the project:

  • Copy TestUsingPluggableComponentCombinations.example to TestUsingPluggableComponentCombinations
  • Open Compze.Everything.sln in Visual Studio 2022 or Rider.


  • Preferably you should have administrator access to a SQL database server. By default, Microsoft SQL Server
    • To change which database servers the tests run against, edit TestUsingPluggableComponentCombinations in the project root
  • If this connection string is valid you're good to go, otherwise set the environment variable below: Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;

Running the tests will create several databases on your SQL server prefixed: Compze_DatabasePool_.

If you don't have any Sql server, configure TestUsingPluggableComponentCombinations to use only the Memory PersistenceLayer.

Environment variables you should know about when running the tests

Connection strings:

Sets the connection string to use for the database pools that the tests use.



COMPOSABLE_MACHINE_SLOWNESS: Lets you adjust the expectations for the performance tests.
For example: If you set it to 2.0 performance tests are allowed to take 2.0 times as long to complete without failing.