Photoprism supercharged with originals folder auto indexing.
- Photoprism already indexes originals folder after having uploaded your media via WebDav
- Only
arch is supported
I'm running a Photoprism in my Raspberry Pi 4 using a NAS as mounting point for my originals. The problem here is that I'm not uploading them via WebDav and I don't want to manually trigger originals indexing every time.
I've extended Photoprism oficial image for arm64 including a configurable cron for indexing originals.
$ docker run -d -e PHOTOPRISM_AUTO_INDEX_CRON="* 6 * * *" mmontes11/photoprism-auto-index
$ helm repo add mmontes
$ helm install photoprism mmontes/photoprism --set config.PHOTOPRISM_AUTO_INDEX_CRON="* 6 * * *"