Analysis of some of the genes involved in the interaction of Wolbachia and Drosophila, both in restricted and systemic infections
Klasson's Lab
Nanopore sequencing
- D. paulistorum O11
- D. paulistorum MS
- D. paulistorum A28
Illumina sequencing
- D. paulistorum O11
- D. paulistorum MS
- D. paulistorum A28
- D. tropicalis
RNA Illumina sequencing
- D. paulistorum O11
- D. paulistorum A28
- Nanopore sequencing
- D. paulistorum L12
- D. paulistorum L06
- D. willistoni LG3
- D. willistoni 00
- D. tropicalis
- D. insularis
- D. sp
- D. sucinea
- Illumina sequencing
- D. paulistorum L06
- D. willistoni LG3
- D. willistoni 00
- D. insularis
- D. sp
- D. sucinea
- Nanopore sequencing
- Proteome
- D. melanogaster r6.46 FB2022 03
- D. willistoni r1.3 FB2015 01
- Proteome
Pipeline description and scripts here
- Read preparation
- Whole genome assembly
- Assembly polishing
- Assembly quality evaluation
Pipeline description and scripts here
Repeat elements modeler and genome assembly masking
Gene prediction
- with only Sophophora proteome as evidence
- with Sophophora proteome and RNA seq mapped sequences
Pipeline description and scripts here
- Ortholog finder
- Select genes to study (or all single copy orthologs)
- Keep only longer isoforms
- Gene alignment
- Alignment trimming
- Phylogenetic inference
- Phylogenomic inference
Software used | version |
Genome assembly pipeline | |
Filt-long | 0.2.1 |
NextDenovo | 2.5.0 |
Minimap | 2.24 |
samtools | 1.14 |
P.E.P.P.E.R-Marign-DeepVariant | 0.4 |
bcftools | 1.15.1 |
BWA | 0.7.17 |
Pilon | 1.24 |
Gene prediction pipeline | |
RepeatModeler]( | 1.0.8 |
BLAST | 2.11.0+ |
RepeatMasker | 4.0.7 |
STAR | 2.7.9a |
Braker | 2.1.6 |
Ortholog find and phylogenies | |
OrthoFinder | 2.5.2 |
MAFFT | 7.407 |
TrimAl | 1.4.1 |
IQTREE2 | 2.20 |