./Detection/ data/ data.nc : stream data from https://resources.marine.copernicus.eu/?option=com_csw&view=details&product_id=GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_001_024 temporal resolution: daily-mean variables : eastward_sea_water_velocity, northward_sea_water_velocity duration : TBD (nb de jours + date du 1er jour) area: Arabian sea (52°E-62°E, 13°N-23°N) classes.py : StreamLine :representation of a stream line, including the coordinates list and some carateritics. Eddy : representation of an eddy, including the stream line list and some carateritics. eddies_detection.py : get_traj_with_parcels : compute trajectories of particles in the sea using parcels library, return the list of stream lines. get_traj_with_scipy : compute trajectories of particles in the sea using scipy library, return the list of stream lines. get_traj_with_numpy : compute trajectories of particles in the sea using scipy library, return the list of stream lines. find_eddies : classify streamlines list into eddies. plot.py : replace matplotlib and use cartopy for plotting streamlines and eddies. tutos/ eddies_detection_example.ipynb : example of use.