helps you schedule scene changes in p5.js and more, for easily working on time-based media.
// A 6 minute loop, with 3 different scenes, each 2 minutes long
The Clock by Christian Marclay:
const videos = [vid1200, vid1201, ..., vid2359];
Download p5.every.js
from this repository, and include it in your HTML file.
<script src="path/to/p5.every.js"></script>
Replace path/to/p5.every.js
with the actual path of where you've placed p5.every.js
Or use the hosted version
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/mngyuan/every/p5.every.js"></script>
In p5.js, every()
belongs in the setup()
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
If no duration is passed to every, the duration defaults to 1.
You can provide different times to different scenes; in this case the number in every()
indicates the default time if no time is provided for a scene.
.show(draw1) // shows for 5 seconds
.show(draw2, 6) // shows for 6 seconds
.show(draw3, 4); // shows for 4 seconds
Similarly, you can provide different interactions to different scenes.
.show(draw1, 5, {mousePressed: scene1MousePress, keyPressed: scene1Keypress})
.show(draw2, 6)
.show(draw3, 4, {mousePressed: scene3MousePress, keyPressed: scene3Keypress});
If you just need to change scenes when the mouse is clicked or a key is pressed,
A scene can be skipped if a certain condition is not met.
function checkDraw2Visible() {
return keyPressed;
Experimental APIs - Request for Comments
You can also only transition scenes if a condition is met; in this case, a scene ends when it has reportDone()
'd, which optionally takes a delay.
function draw1(reportDone) {
if (mouseIsPressed) {
// end 2s after mouse press
You can also provide a timestamped list of events to every()
to schedule events at specific times. Useful for playing back recorded performances i.e. MIDI performances.
const recordedEvents = {0: [1], 5000: [2], 10000: [3]};
.react(1, draw1)
.react(2, draw2)
.react(3, draw3);