Provides the ICU4J message formatting features, such as named arguments support, flexible plural formatting, rule based number format, date interval formats.
Please add the following repository to your repository list:
repositories {
maven { url "" }
// ..
And add the following dependency to the dependencies section of build.gradle
dependencies {
// ..
compile 'org.grails.plugins:icu:1.0'
By default Grails allows to use only numbered arguments in i18n messages. The plugin allows to use also named arguments, which sometimes are more readable. For example:
numbered={0}, you have {1} unread messages of {2}
names={username}, you have {unread} unread messages of {total}
With the plugin, latter message can be used:
<g:message code="names" args="[username: 'John', unread: 12, total: 200]"/>
will output John, you have 12 unread messages of 200
Pluralisation in English is pretty simple and can be implemented using embedded ChoiceFormat
. However, many other
languages have more complex pluralisation rules described here,
which cannot be handled by default. The plugin provides a simple pluralization using a language's rules, e.g. for Polish:
plural={0} {0, plural, one{auto}few{auta}many{aut}other{aut}}
<g:message code="plural" args="[3]"/>, <g:message code="plural" args="[7]"/>
will output 3 auta, 7 aut
amount={0, spellout} dollars
<g:message code="amount" args="[12045]"/>
will output twelve thousand forty-five dollars
- ICU implements a more user-friendly apostrophe quoting syntax. In message text, an apostrophe only begins quoting literal text if it immediately precedes a syntax character (mostly {curly braces}). By default an apostrophe always begins quoting, which requires common text like "don't" and "aujourd'hui" to be written with doubled apostrophes like "don''t" and "aujourd''hui".
- Many more date formats: month+day, year+month,...
- Date interval formats: "Dec 15-17, 2009"
This plugin is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
(c) All rights reserved