Chronological key/value Database storing based on database-shaped git
(core) architecture and Lucene for indexing.
We are:
- Immutable and atomic data
- ACID transactions
- Schemaless
- Chronological
- RESTfull server: communication via HTTP protocol
- Redis protocol: use the Redis driver to communicate with chrondb
- SQL compliance: in query within document
Understand how and when changes were made. chrondb stores all history, and lets you query against any point in time.
Git structure is a powerful solution for storing "data" (files) in chronological order, chrondb uses git core as a data structure to structure the data timeline, making it possible to return to any necessary point and bringing all git functions for a database:
- diff
- notes
- restore
- branch
- checkout
- revert
- merge
- log
- blame
- archive
- hooks
- ... git high-level commands (porcelain)
The goal is to speak the same language as the database world
- database: git repository (local or remotely)
- scheme: git branch
- table: directory added on git repository
- field struct: json (document) - will be persisted in a file and indexed in lucene
ChronDB can be run using the Clojure CLI with various options to customize its behavior.
# Run with default settings (HTTP on port 3000, Redis on port 6379)
clojure -M:run
# Run with custom ports
clojure -M:run 8080 6380
ChronDB supports the following command line options:
- First non-flag argument: HTTP port (default: 3000)
- Second non-flag argument: Redis port (default: 6379)
: Disable the Redis protocol server--disable-rest
: Disable the REST API server
# Run only the REST API server (no Redis)
clojure -M:run --disable-redis
# or use the dedicated alias
clojure -M:run-rest
# Run only the Redis protocol server (no REST API)
clojure -M:run --disable-rest
# or use the dedicated alias
clojure -M:run-redis
# Run with custom HTTP port and disabled Redis
clojure -M:run 8080 --disable-redis
# Run with both custom ports
clojure -M:run 8080 6380
You can also run ChronDB using the -X
# Run with default settings
clojure -X:run
# Run with custom arguments
clojure -X:run :args '["8080", "--disable-redis"]'
ChronDB uses an EDN configuration file to define its settings. To get started, copy the config.example.edn
file to config.edn
cp config.example.edn config.edn
The configuration file is divided into three main sections:
:git {
:committer-name "ChronDB" ; Name used in commits
:committer-email "[email protected]" ; Email used in commits
:default-branch "main" ; Default repository branch
:sign-commits false ; Whether to sign commits with GPG
:storage {
:data-dir "data" ; Directory where data will be stored
:logging {
:level :info ; Log level (:debug, :info, :warn, :error)
:output :stdout ; Log output (:stdout or :file)
:file "chrondb.log" ; Log file (when output is :file)
- Detailed information for development/debugging:info
- General operation information:warn
- Warnings that don't affect functionality:error
- Errors that may affect functionality
(require '[chrondb.config :as config])
;; Load configuration from config.edn
(def chrondb-config (config/load-config))
;; Or specify a different file
(def custom-config (config/load-config "custom-config.edn"))
To run the example with default configuration:
clj -X:example
To run tests:
clj -X:test
Add the following dependency to your deps.edn
{:deps {com.github.chrondb/chrondb {:git/tag "v0.1.0"
:git/sha "..."}}}
(require '[chrondb.core :as chrondb])
;; Create a new ChronDB instance
(def db (chrondb/create-chrondb))
;; Save a document
(chrondb/save db "user:1" {:name "John" :age 30})
;; Get a document
(chrondb/get db "user:1")
;; Search documents
(chrondb/search db "name:John")
;; Get document history
(chrondb/history db "user:1")
;; Get document at specific point in time
(chrondb/get-at db "user:1" "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z")
- Java 11 or later
- Git 2.25.0 or later
For more detailed documentation, see:
For generated API documentation, run:
clj -X:codox
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.