Catchup is a small set of CSS3 and CSS 2.1 compatibility mixins for LESS. Use catch-up to polyfill features for older browsers and prevent code duplication by abstracting away vendor prefixes.
Catchup can be @import
ed like any of your own LESS files. The
library isn't useful by itself, there are no selectors exposed,
you can just include css21.less
and/or css3.less
in your
code to start using the mixins:
@import 'lib/css21';
@import 'lib/css3';
Each of the mixins has extensive documentation in the source code. Have a look at css21.less and css3.less. Some of the basics can be found below:
One line border-radius for modern browsers:
.border-radius(10px 0 0 0);
One line box-shadow for modern browsers:
.box-shadow(0 0 10px #f00);
Multiple shadows supported:
@shadows: 0 0 10px #f00, inset 0 0 10px #0f0;
One line box-sizing for modern browsers:
Support display: inline-block;
in IE6–7:
One line opacity for modern browsers and IE6+:
One line transitions for modern browsers:
.transition(all .5s);
Multiple transitions supported:
@transitions: color .5s, font-size 1s;
Catchup is tested with HTML files in browser at the moment. In order to test, you'll need to compile the Catchup test LESS files into CSS. You'll need to install Node.js, npm and the LESS command line utility:
npm install -g less
Then you can run the following from within the project directory to compile the test CSS:
lessc test/catchup.less > test/catchup.css
Now you can open test/catchup.html
in browser to make sure
everything works.
Copyright 2012, Rowan Manning
Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2