Unofficial Warframe Market command-line utility.
usage: [-h] [-d DEBUG] [-q] [-v] [--clear-cache | -l | -O | -s]
[-C DIR] [--no-cache] [--ttl-items CACHE_TTL]
[--ttl-orders CACHE_TTL] [--rate-limit RATE_LIMIT] [-a] [-b]
[-f FILE] [-P {pc,ps4,switch,xbox}] [-L LANGUAGE] [-r]
[item [item ...]]
Look up information about Warframe items on
positional arguments:
item Item(s) to look up. Items are not case-sensitive and
may contain the wildcards *, ?, and [] (which behave
like bash).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DEBUG, --debug DEBUG
Set the debug messaging level.
-q, --quiet Print fewer messages.
-v, --verbose Print more verbose messages about what is happening.
Can be specified multiple times.
--clear-cache Delete the contents of the local disk cache
-l, --list List items matching the specified name patterns
-O, --orders List an item's current orders (the default)
-s, --summary Show only a summary of the item's prices
Cache Options:
-C DIR, --cache-dir DIR
The directory to use for the local disk cache.
Default: /home/tim/.cache/warframe-market
--no-cache Disable the local disk cache
--ttl-items CACHE_TTL
How long to cache the list of all Warframe items.
Default: 1d
--ttl-orders CACHE_TTL
How long to cache the list of orders for an item.
Default: 10m
--rate-limit RATE_LIMIT
How fast to send API requests (per minute). Default:
Miscellaneous Options:
-a, --all Show all matching users (show more than the top 5
-b, --buyers Show only users looking to buy the item
-f FILE, --file FILE Read list of items from a file, one item per line.
-P {pc,ps4,switch,xbox}, --platform {pc,ps4,switch,xbox}
The Warframe platform to search. Default: pc.
The Warframe language code to search. Default: en.
E.g. "de", "en", "fr", "ko", "ru", "sv", or "zh"
-r, --reverse Reverse the sorting order
# Print the current selling price for the Ammo Drum Mod "ammo drum"
# Print the buying price for all Ember Prime items (and set) -s -b "Ember Prime*"
# List all items with "rubedo" in their name: -l "*rubedo*"
# List all Xiphos parts, but not the set -l "xiphos [a-f]*" -l "xiphos [!s]*"
# NOTE: All item matches are case insensitive and follow Python
# fnmatch rules.