This is a portfolio site using JavaScript and the Github API Live demo here.
The purpose of this app is to showcase my portfolio.
- App displays contact information via a contact section where messages can be sumbitted via Formspree.
- Links to Github and LinkedIn have been provided in the contact section
- Details around commits, license, and description presented via a modal.
- Job modal info fetched from the Github API
- App showcases projects and workshops with at least 20 commits.
- Screenshot or gifs of repositories provided in cards and modal views.
- Polished interface with smooth scrolling and links to downloadable pdf resume.
Below depicts full home page view of my portfolio app:
Below depicts github stats, slider demo and views functionality per showcased single repo:
- Github API
- IntersectionObserver API
- JavaScript
- Bulma framework
- Font Awesome
- Formspree
-Text editor (VS Code recommended) -An Internet browser (Google Chrome recommended)
Project is: complete.
Created by -@moedaaboul
- Feel free to contact me!
This work is licensed under MIT.