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moh-hassan edited this page Oct 4, 2022 · 1 revision

When the model include hundereds of Entities like dynamic365 or Microsoft Graph, you may need to filter the model to generate subset of the model. You can use the option --include <keywords>

<keywords> can be list separated by comma. Filter is case-insensitive and also reterive all dependent classes.

Filter is applied for both csharp and typescript code generation.

Filter Wildcard Characters

A wildcard character is used to substitute one or more characters in a string.

Wildcard characters are used with the '--include' option. The include option is used to search for a specified pattern in an Entity.

Wildcard Characters:

Symbol Description Example
* Represents zero or more characters Pro* finds Products, Products_2020 and Product_List
? Represents a single character Products_202? finds Products_2021 and Products_2022

Class Dependency

Odata2Poco is aware of the model dependency and when filtering the model all dependent classes are reterived also to avoid the compilation errors.

Show filter example online

Filter syntax examples

Description syntax
Filter by Entity Name --include product
Filter for more than one Entity, use delimited values separated by space --include product customer employee
Filter using '*' placeholder for all characters --include product* cust*. Generated classes may be: Products , Products_2019 ,Customers , CustomerOrders
Filter by Namespace --include myNamespace.*. Generated classes are all classes in myNamespace. Other namespaces will be excluded.
Filter using ? placeholder for one char --include product?


  • Filter is case-insensitive ,e.g, product or PRODUCT or PRoducT is the same.
  • Entity is the FullName: Namespace.Name, so every keyword is prefixed by * to include any namespace.
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