This project is a Z39.50 server for Tomcat based on JZKit.
License for the project is Affero GPL version 3, see: knowledgeintegration-jzkit/LICENSE.txt
Note that most MOL team contributions are described in Polish and refer to our internal Flyspray installation. We can speak English though, so you can report issues in whatever language you feel comfortable in.
Please use our support requests form in our Customer zone (Polish).
Of course our customers' requests are our top priority, but we will consider requests from other parties, especially if you find a security issue.
Note, however, that we do NOT support request for changing JZKit itself. We support only the requests regarding our fork.
- Non-security issues - use GitHub issues.
- Security issues - report by e-mail:
Note that if you are our customer, we prefer that you use our Customer zone (Polish). Our customer zone is for any kind of issues (including security issues).