Tags: monarc-project/zm-client
Toggle v2.13.2's commit message
Merge pull request #75 from monarc-project/feature/captcha
Toggle v2.13.1-p2's commit message
Fixed the operational risks converter to avoid issue of the old impor…
…t, fixed the migration.
Toggle v2.13.1-p1's commit message
Fixed the reports generation.
Toggle v2.13.1's commit message
Added the condition to handle analysis creation based on another one …
…with readonly access.
Toggle v2.12.7-p3's commit message
Merge pull request #72 from monarc-project/fix-objects-disappearing
Update MonarcObject.php
Toggle v2.12.7-p2's commit message
Merge pull request #70 from monarc-project/fix-specific-risks-removal
Fixed the removal if specific instance risks.
Toggle v2.12.7-p1's commit message
Toggle v2.12.7's commit message
Merge pull request #69 from monarc-project/bugfix/507
Bugfix/507 Added validation of the data before the max value calculation
Toggle v2.12.6-p1's commit message
Fixed the analysis snashots creation and creation based on the existi…
…ng analysis in case of custom objects.
Toggle v2.12.6's commit message
Update DeliverableGenerationService.php
Fixed the deliverables generation when recommendation risk is not linked to a global object.
You can’t perform that action at this time.