Releases: monash-emu/AuTuMN
Northern Territory Forward Projections report
Final code used to create forward scenario projections. Full results are available (to those with login credentials) here: Most report figures were produced from this notebook Results were used to produce the results interpreted in the report: "Modelling COVID-19 in the Northern Territory - Forward Projections" for NT Health 19th September 2022.
Northern Territory Government final report
Branch from commit 4c459e0, which was used to produce the final code run. Full results are available (to those with login credentials) here: Most report figures were produced from this notebook Results were used to produce the results interpreted in the report: "Modelling COVID-19 in the Northern Territory" for NT Health on 25th August 2022.
Source code associated with the following article:
Ragonnet et al., Estimating the long-term effects of mass screening for latent and active tuberculosis in the Marshall Islands, International Journal of Epidemiology, 2022.
Epidemics 2021, Sustaining effective COVID-19 control in Malaysia through large-scale vaccination
Nature Communications Victoria second wave
vic_2nd_revision Victoria paper second revision