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This repository contains data processing using Spark for MapReduce as a part of an academic project for data intensive computing. The project required obtaining word cooccurrence (for n-grams, n = 2, 3) with “line” as the scope or context for co- occurrence.
We not only pick adjacent words but also all words (forward) co-occurring with the current word but within the line.

Word Count on Classical Latin Text

This activity involved performing multiple pass on the input to obtain a specialized wordount.

Pass 1: Lemmetization using the lemmas.csv file

Pass 2: Identify the words in the texts by <word <docid, [chapter#, line#]> for two documents.

Pass 3: Repeat this for multiple documents.

The rough MR algorithm can be descirbed as

for each word in the text

normalize the word spelling by replacing j with i and v with u throughout check lemmatizer

for the normalized spelling of the word

if the word appears in the lemmatizer
	obtain the list of lemmas for this word
	for each lemma, create a key/value pair from the lemma and the location 
    where the word was found
	create a key/value pair from the normalized spelling and the location 
    where the word was found

The output looked like this

  1. Bigram Output
('{pronuntio, sinis}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.4>'])
('{iuro, testis2}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.3>'])
('{ego, non}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>'])
(u'{inuolaturum, sui}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.4>'])
('{qui, vinus}', [u'<mac. frag 5>', u'<mac. frag 5>'])
('{quidam, hic}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>'])
('{vergilius, voco}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.4>'])
('{dico2, qui}', [u'<mac. frag 7>'])
('{seneco, quis2}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>', u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>', u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>'])
  1. Trigram output
('{in, vir, convenio}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.3>'])
('{audax, ut, sequor}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>'])
('{non, quippe, vinum}', [u'<mac. frag 5>'])
('{sino, seneco, quocumque}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>'])
('{verum2, quis2, filius}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>', u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>', u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>', u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>'])
(u'{declamator, seneco, caligo\u201d}', [u'<sen. eld. fr. 1.2>'])

The code and instructions to run the code are present in Code folder

Comparison of runtime for different n-grams


Bigram Scalability Chart
