This is rewritten version to Python, original version located here and was written in TypeScript
Project using DDL CREATE TABLE definition will generate:
- PostgreSQL functions
. - NestJS REST API with dto definition, service, controller and module template and basic E2E tests.
- WWW Angular module with: dto-s, service, routing, edit page and list page with pagination and basic filtering that is remembered
Comments on table column is used for API description and labels for edits. Of course, this will not meet in 100% yours needs, but will speed up your development time.
! Important ! Python 3.10 or higher needed in your machine, you can download it here
- Before usage please change inside database username.
py table.generate.sql [-b, -f, -s]
or this command for help
py -h
where table.generate.sql is file with DDL table definition.
Example table.example.sql definition:
CREATE TABLE auth.user
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT NEXTVAL('user_serial'::regclass),
login varchar NOT NULL,
active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true,
password varchar NOT NULL,
notes varchar
COMMENT ON COLUMN auth.user.login IS 'Login, minimum 3 letters';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Is account active?';
COMMENT ON COLUMN auth.user.password IS 'Please use minimum 8 letters, upper and lower case, number';
COMMENT ON COLUMN auth.user.notes IS 'Admin notes about user';
Main assumptions:
- file should have only table definition
- table name should have schema information. For public will be generated automatically
- table name should contain only small letters
- table name should not be in plural (wrong table name: users)
- primary key is first element, number type with NEXTVAL() definition
- second element (in this case - login) will be searchable at list method (inside filter)
It will create files in dist/sql directory with functions :
- auth.user_delete(id integer)
- auth.user_get(id integer)
- auth.user_search(filter varchar) - filter is prepared for Angular Materials Server Side pagination
- auth.user_save(user varchar) - parameter is JSONB object cast on varchar. If id more than zero - will update data, else - will create new record.
Using Node.js Style Guide from and
It will generate files:
- dist/api/shared/dto/FilterItem.dto.ts - global definition for filter item, used in ListFilterRequest
- dist/api/shared/dto/ListFilterRequest.dto.ts - global definition request for list api
- dist/api/customer/dto/User.dto.ts - with type definition for user
- dist/api/customer/dto/UserFilter.dto.ts - list filter. Example:
{"filter": [{"field": "login", "value": "Joh%"}], "sort": ["login"], "page_size": 25, "page_index": 1, "sort_direction": "asc"}
- dist/api/customer/dto/UserListResponse.dto.ts - response from list function with table count information and data array - filtered user table
- dist/api/customer/user.controller.ts - with API endpoints: POST /list, GET :id, POST /, DELETE :id
- dist/api/customer/user.service.ts - with methods covering controller above definitions: list, save, get, delete. All methods call SQL functions.
It will generate:
- dist/tests/data/ - contain valid user data, invalid user data and filter data. This should be filled by needs.
- dist/tests/user.e2e-spec.ts - contain supertest template with test cases:
- POST /user/list - with filter data, get first element from list and use it
- GET /user/{number} - use above data for fetch item
- POST /user - save new item with valid data
- POST /user - update item with valid data
- DELETE /user/0 - check wrong data
- DELETE /user/{number} - delete added above data
Using Style Guide by
It will generate:
- dist/www/user.datasource.ts - needed for pagination by list.component.ts
- dist/www/user.module.ts - Angular module for dynamic loading in main route module
- dist/www/user.service.ts - mapping generated by swagger API module to URL provided in .env file (apiUrl)
- dist/www/user-routing.module.ts - routing module for list, edit items
- dist/www/list - directory with list with filter item component:
- list.component.html
- list.component.scss
- list.component.ts
- dist/www/edit - directory with edit item component:
- edit.component.html
- edit.component.scss
- edit.component.ts