This repo was initially created using the "init-dotfiles" script:
To run this on a new machine:
- git clone
- bash ./install
The install script is from dotbot, which is a submodule of this repo.
I'm using zsh with oh-my-zsh as a plugin/template manager. I'm using a pretty limited set of plugins (see line 82 of .zshrc) including zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting. I like powerlevel10k for a nice minimal theme. If I were to do this again I would use antigen instead of oh-my-zsh, but it is working fine now so I'm not going to mess with it.
I almost never use tmux, but tpm works well as it's plugin manager and I mainly use it for the tmux-sensible plugin that comes bundled with it by default and to add the dracula theme.
I have a few aliases that I like in .profile_shared.
This repo also helps me sync the small basics like .gitconfig and .ssh configs. I also use this repo to carry around slurm/sbatch templates which I find handy.