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Per world groups

montlikadani edited this page Mar 23, 2024 · 4 revisions

With LuckPerms permission context you can set different groups for a player, depending on the world the player's just in. How?

Step 1)

In TabList's groups.yml file create multiple groups like this, in each one change what you want (prefix, suffix) and the permission, which will define what world this will be displayed in. We'll create a 3 different per world groups Developer in this example.

    prefix: '&aDEVELOPER '
    tabname: ''
    suffix: ''
    permission: tablist.g.developer-world
    prefix: '&cDEVELOPER '
    tabname: ''
    suffix: ''
    permission: tablist.g.developer-nether
    prefix: '&dDEVELOPER '
    tabname: ''
    suffix: ''
    permission: tablist.g.developer-end

Step 2)

Then in LuckPerms Developer group add those permissions like this, with the context of whatever world name you want.

Optional step

In case the player in this group is operator, just add this with value false, so the player doesn't get a random group assigned.

Now the prefix for players in Developer group will change depending on what world they're in!

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