A curated list of Zero Knowledge resources, mostly focusing on blockchain.
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- Zero Knowledge What? An Introduction to Zero Knowledge by University of Stanford - Wikia by University of Stanford, explaining Proof Systems with math.
- Zero Knowledge Proof Protocol: Beginner’s Guide by Ayushi Abrol Ayushi Abrol - Beginner's Guide by Ayushi Abrol from Blockchain Council.
- Intro to Zero-Knowledge Proofs - short intro to the subject by Ferhat Kochan.
- The Complete Full-Stack Guide to Getting Started with Zero-Knowledge Proofs using Circom and ZK-Snarks - Full-Stack Guide for beginners by Tony Olendo.
- A Simple Explanation of Zero Knowledge Proofs - Short explanation of the ZKP topic by Hadas Zeilberger.
- Understanding Zero-Knowledge Proofs Through the Source Code of Tornado Cash - explanation of the ZKP with an example on Tornado Cash by Laszlo Fazekas.
- The Evolution of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Web3 - description of the ZKP with an example on Manta Network.
- ZKP Knowledge Base - knowledge base Wikia by Delendum
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) - article explaining ZKP by Chainlink.
- Understanding Zero Knowledge Proofs — A Beginner’s Guide - article introducing ZKP by Marcin Jedral.
- Commitment Schemes and Zero-Knowledge Protocols, January 1998 - academic text by Ivan Damgård from Aarhus University.
- The Complexity of Zero Knowledge by Harvard University, October 2007 - academic text by Salil Vadhan from Harvard University.
- ZKDocs - page with documents explaining zero-knowledge protocols or security of ZKPs.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs and ZK-Rollups: Everything You Need to Know - guide to Zero Knowledge Proofs by Coingecko.
- What are zero-knowledge proofs? - post explaining ZKPs from Ethereum blog.
- What the heck is a Zero-Knowledge Proof, anyway? - a simple explanation of the topic by Preethi Kasireddy.
- What Are ZK-Rollups and Optimistic Rollups? - article introducing ZK-Rollups by Lawrence Mike Woriji.
- What is Zero Knowledge Proof? A simple explanation - article explaining ZKPs by Piryal Walpita.
- An introduction to zero-knowledge machine learning (ZKML) - article introducing ZKML.
- What is Zero-knowledge technology? - article introducing ZK by Oak.
- What Are Ethereum Rollups? A Step Forward to Scale Ethereum - article shortly explaining Rollups by UniLend Finance.
- zk-SNARK Concepts Explained Like You’re 15 - article explaining zk-SNARKs by Jackson Kelley.
- What Is Proof of Knowledge? - article explaining what Proof of Knowledge is.
- Zero Knowledge 101, 201 and 301 - articles introducing ZK by Pontem Network from March 2023.
- Qredo 101s: Just What Exactly Is a Zero-Knowledge Proof? - article by QredoTeam from March 2023.
- A guide to Zero Knowledge Proofs - article by Luca Franceschini from April 2023.
- Ten Commonly Asked Questions About Zero Knowledge Technology - article by Mina Foundation from April 2023.
- An introduction to zero-knowledge machine learning (ZKML) - article introducing ZKML by WorldCoin.
- Zero knowledge programming languages - article listing ZK programming languages by Jeffrey Scholz.
- Zero-knowledge proofs explained in 3 examples - introduction by Tian Daphne.
- Zero Knowledge on Casper - implementing ZK on Casper using risc0.
- ZK Machine Learning - A tutorial and demo by Horace Pan, Francis Ho, and Henri Palacci.
- Anatomy of a STARK - six-part tutorial about the STARK proof system by Alan Szepieniec.
- Libsnark Tutorial - basics of the libsnark software library for creating zk-SNARKs.
- RollupNC Tutorial - tutorial how to build RollupNC.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs - Zero Knowledge Proofs and how they can be implemented in Quorum.
- A Practical Guide To Building Zero Knowledge dApps - tutorial by Kendrick Tan.
- Build a zkSNARK-based Battleship Game on Bitcoin - tutorial learning how to build a zkSnark app.
- Circom and SnarkJS tutorial - tutorial how to create Zero Knowledge zkSnark circuit.
- ZK Learning Resources - materials and demos to learn ZK.
- Connect RainbowKit with Mantle Testnet - tutorial discussing the code that imports RainbowKit and WAGMI libraries, and sets up a Mantle Testnet environment using Next.js framework.
- Developer's Guide to Application-Specific Elliptic Curves - article from February 2023.
- A Developer’s Guide to the zkGalaxy - article from February 2023.
- Writing a Zero Knowledge dApp - article from March 2023.
- Zero knowledge proof circom circuit to determine whether given input is a factor of 9 or not - tutorial by Piash Tanjin from April 2023.
- Building a Zero Knowledge web app with Halo 2 and Wasm - Part 1 and Part 2 - article by Yu Jiang Tham from April 2023.
- A Guide To Building Your Web3 Project Proposal: ZK Edition - article by Mina Foundation from May 2023.
- Zero knowledge rollup using circom for beginner - tutorial by Victor Yeo from May 2023.
- How To Create a ZK Smart Contract - tutorial by Alex Roan from June 2023.
- Deploy a Zero-Knowledge Smart Contract - tutorial by John Reynolds from June 2023.
- How to Use Zero Knowledge Dapp Boilerplate = tutorial by Pran B from July 2023.
- Luxembourg Zero Knowledge Days - conference from June 2019 in Luxembourg, slides and videos available on the page.
- TCC 2020 - a virtual event from November 2020. Videos are available on the page.
- Devcon Bogotá - Devcon for new Ethereum explorers in Colombia, October 2022.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs MOOC - lectures from Zero Knowledge Proofs MOOC - Spring '23.
- StarkWare Sessions 2023 Day 1 and Day 2 - recording of StarkWare conference from February 2023.
- The 13th BIU Winter School on cryptography - course from February 2023 in Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Slides are available on the page.
- ETHDenver 2023 - Ethereum event from February 24 to March 5, 2023. Videos are available here.
- European WEB3 summit 2023 - Summit in May 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.
- zkSummit - a cyclical summit on Zero Knowledge. Recordings from events are available here.
- ZK HACK - a virtual events featuring workshops and advanced puzzle-solving competitions. Recordings are available here.
- ZKProof Online Workshop - online workshops by ZKProof. Slides from five editions are available on the page.
- Crypto Economics Security Conference - conference in UC Berkeley, usually in November.
- ZK360 - event organised by Mina.
- BUIDL Asia - technical conferences in Asia. All recordings can be found here.
- EthPrague 2023 conference on June 2023. All recordings can be found here.
- The Ethereum Community Conference 2023 - conference on July 2023 in Paris, France. All recordings can be found here.
- zkWarsaw Day 2023 - event on August 2023 in Warsaw, Poland.
- Korea Blockchain Week 2023 - conference week on September 2023 in Seoul, South Korea.
- DappCon 2023 - conference on September 2023 in Berlin, Germany. Recording can be found here.
- ETHGlobal NYC - summit on September 2023 in New York, USA. Recordings can be found here.
- Devconnect 2023 - conference on November 2023 in Istanbul, Türkiye. Recordings can be found here.
- ETHGlobal Istanbul - summit on November 2023 in Istanbul, Türkiye.
- TCC 2023 - conference on November/December 2023 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- World Blockchain Summit 2023 - summit on December 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Journal of Cryptology Call for Papers: Topical Collection on Modern Zero-Knowledge Protocols - submissions will be open to March 1st, 2024.
- ETHDenver 2024 - Ethereum event on February/March 2024 in Denver, USA.
- ETHSeoul 2024 - conference on March 2024 in Seoul, South Korea.
- RWC 2024 - conference on March 2024 in Toronto, Canada.
- zkSummit11 - a summit on Zero Knowledge on April 2024 in Athens, Greece.
- World Blockchain Summit 2024 - summit on April 2024 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- DappCon 2024 - conference on May 2024 in Berlin, Germany.
- ZKproof 6 - workshop on May 2024 in Berlin, Germany.
- EthPrague 2024 - conference on May/June 2023.
- The Ethereum Community Conference 2024 - conference on July 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.
- Korea Blockchain Week 2023 - conference week on September 2024 in Seoul, South Korea.
- European WEB3 summit 2024 - summit on November 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.
- DevCon 2024 - Devcon for new Ethereum explorers on November 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs for Games - article about building and running ZK elements within games by Phil Kelly from January 2023.
- JavaScript for Zero-Knowledge Proofs Using SnarkJS! - article about using zk-SNARK in JavaScript projects by Mahdad Kiyani from January 2023.
- Living on the edge: Zero Knowledge Human-assisted Machine Learning with Git and Bitcoin Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - article about zero-knowledge system, built with open-source tools such as Git and Bitcoin by Lloyd E. from December 2022 and January 2023.
- STARKs, part 1, part 2, part 3 - STARKs explained by Vitalik Buterin from 2017 and 2018.
- Hunting For SNARKs - article about understanding zk-SNARKs by Dylan Amadán from December 2022.
- From AIRs to RAPs - how PLONK-style arithmetization works - article about leveraging the type of arithmetization used in PLONK by Aztec.
- How the Coming Privacy Layer Will Fix the Broken Web - article about privacy layer by Howard Lu.
- Everything you need to know about ZK-Rollups Part 1, Part 2 article explaining ZK-Rollups by math and on examples from December 2022.
- Web3 Accelerator ScalingX Launches Incubation Program to Boost Zero-knowledge Technology Adoption - article about incubation program by ScalingX from January 2023.
- Understanding PLONK - article explaining PLONK by Vitalik Buterin from September 2019.
- The different types of ZK-EVMs - article about ZK-EVMs by Vitalik Buterin from August 2022.
- PlonK: Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge - academic text about PLONK by Ariel Gabizon, Zachary J. Williamson and Oana Ciobotaru from August 2022.
- zkSNARKs in a nutshell -article by Christian Reitwiessner (Ethereum foundation)from December 2016
- Plonky2: Fast Recursive Arguments with PLONK and FRI - article by Polygon Zero Team from September 2022.
- SNARKs for C: Verifying Program Executions Succinctly and in Zero Knowledge - academic text by Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Daniel Genkin, Eran Tromer, and Madars Virza from October 2013.
- Bringing Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge to Practice - academic text by Endre Bangerter, Stefania Barzan, Stephan Krenn, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider, and Joe-Kai Tsay from 2009.
- Measuring SNARK performance: Frontends, backends, and the future - article by Justin Thaler from August 2022.
- Polygon’s Zero Knowledge Odyssey Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV and Part V - 5 parts of 6-part series of articles from February 2023. They take a closer look at some of the key acquisitions and developments that have helped shape the future of Polygon using the power of Zero Knowledge (ZK).
- Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) and ZK-Rollups in Crypto: Everything You Need to Know - article diving into ZKPs and Zk-Rollups by Daffa Zaky.
- An introduction of zk-merkle-tree, a JavaScript library for anonymous voting on Ethereum using zkSNARK - article about zk-merkle-tree library by Laszlo Fazekas from January 2023.
- Wasm0 (ZKWasm): A New Blockchain Environment for Mass Adoption - article by ZKWasm from February 2023.
- The halo 2 Book - documentation of halo2 - one of zk-projects.
- Demystifying recursive zero-knowledge proofs - article explaining ZKP on examples by Simon Masson from July 2021.
- Short-lived zero-knowledge proofs and signatures - academic text by Arasu Arun, Joseph Bonneau, and Jeremy Clark from January 2023.
- Zerocoin: Anonymous Distributed E-Cash from Bitcoin - academic text by Ian Miers, Christina Garman, Matthew Green, Aviel D. Rubin from 2013.
- Zero Knowledge Proof: Interactive vs. Non-Interactive - article comparing interactive and non-interactive ZKPs by NFTing from February 2023.
- Zero-Knowledge Rollup — Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 - article about ZKRollups with code examples by Kushagra Jindal from February 2023.
- How to Design a Compliant, Privacy-Preserving Fiat Stablecoin via Zero-Knowledge Proofs - article by Jonas Gross, Johannes Sedlmeir, Simon Seiter from February 2023.
- Scaling The Ethereum Using Rollups-Layer 2 - article by Sumi Maria Abraham from February 2023.
- Quadratic Arithmetic Programs: from Zero to Hero - article explaining what zk-SNARKs are and what they do by Vitalik Buterin from December 2016.
- Visualizing Efficient Merkle Trees for Zero-Knowledge Proofs - article about efficient merkletrees ZKPs by Kendrick Tan.
- On-Chain Trusted Setup Ceremony - article about trusted setup ceremony by Valeria Nikolaenko and Sam Ragsdale from September 2022.
- Probabilistically checkable proof - Wikipedia page explaining what probabilistically checkable proof (PCP) is.
- A Guide to Understanding Trusted Setups - guide by Panther Team from September 2022.
- EVM at Risc0 - article by Maciej Zieliński from February 2023.
- ZKPs in Web 3: Now and the Future - article by Mohamed Fouda from November 2022.
- Hardware Acceleration for Zero Knowledge Proofs - article by Georgios Konstantopoulos from April 2022.
- What Are the Different Types of zkEVMs? - article by Sino Global Capital from January 2023.
- Quadratic Span Programs and Succinct NIZKs without PCPs - academic text by Rosario Gennaro, Craig Gentry, Bryan Parno and Mariana Raykova from 2012.
- Let’s dissect a zkSNARK! part 1, part 2 and part 3 - article explaining ZKSnarks by Yu Jiang Tham from February 2023.
- State Proofs: Making Smart Contracts Smarter - article about State Proofs by Amber Group from February 2023.
- Navigating the ZK ecosystem: A taxonomy. - article by public goods society from February 2023.
- Removing the need for trust - article by Richard Chen from February 2023.
- A Developer’s Guide to the zkGalaxy - article by Ryan Sproule from February 2023.
- PLONK by Hand - part 1, part 2 and part 3 - an article deeply explaining PLONK from September and October 2020.
- zkEVM Explained. What It Is and Why It Matters - article by ChangeHero from February 2023.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs: Unlocking the Potential of Blockchain Technology - article by GeniiData from February 2023.
- [Rollup Series] Part 1: Scroll, the Dream of a Native zkEVM and Part 2: Classification of zkEVMs and Taiko - series of articles by 100y from February 2023 and March 2023.
- Firmly bullish on Ethereum zkRollups, even if the bear market bottom is not yet reached - article by Frederick Kang from February 2023.
- What is the Sum-Check Protocol of Zero Knowledge Proof - article by FoxTech from February 2023.
- Use of zk-SNARKs inside Blockchain Infrastructure - article by Jakub Strnad from February 2023.
- Zero-Knowledge Proof for Privacy over Ethereum: Permutations over Lagrange-Bases for Oecumenical Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge (PLONK) [step-by-step] (Part 1) - article by Agnish Gnosh from February 2023.
- Overview of Modern SNARK Constructions - part 1 and part 2 - an article with overview of modern SNARK constructions from January and February 2023.
- [ZK] Part 1: ZK-Proofs, Part 2: ZK-SNARK Generation, Part 3: zkEVM and Part 4: Guide to zkEVM - article covering the basic principles of zk-proofs by Encoding Labs from May 2023.
- ZK Cross-chain Message Protocol: Secure, Cheap, Foundation of Multichain Dapps - article by un.Block Newsletter from March 2023.
- SHARP? SuperChain? Layer-3s? Temporary Rollups? - artivle by Patrick McCorry from March 2023.
- Unlock the Secrets of ZK-SNARKs - article about ZK-Snarks by My Brandt from March 2023.
- The ZK Cross-chain Message Protocol and How it Paves a New Way of Cross-chain Communication - article by Glaze from March 2023.
- Applying Zero Knowledge Cryptography in the Mobility Industry - article by ConsenSys Mesh from March 2023.
- ZKPs: The Ultimate Shield for Your Privacy in Web3 — A beginner’s introduction to the Future of Privacy-Preserving Technology — Bits By Blocks - article by Ashwin Yardi from March 2023.
- How to Leverage ZKPs as a Web3 Builder - article by Mohamed Fouda from March 2023.
- Throne of ZK: SNARK vs STARK - article by Kido Kim from March 2023.
- What is zkEVM: Things You Need to Know About The Future of Dapps — Bits By Blocks - article by Ashwin Yardi from March 2023.
- What is ZK Rollup? Advantages, limitations of Zk Rollup and prominent projects - article by Optimus Finance from March 2023.
- Qredo Labs: Home of Our Big Bold Bets - article by QredoTeam from March 2023.
- How will Ethereum's multi-client philosophy interact with ZK-EVMs? - article by Vitalik Buterin from March 2023.
- eSTARK: Extending STARKs with Arguments - article by Héctor Masip-Ardevol, Marc Guzmán-Albiol, Jordi Baylina-Melé and Jose Luis Muñoz-Tapia from April 2023.
- Why calculating your public key is hard in ZK-Snarks? - article by Rishotics from April 2023.
- The Surprising Efficiency of Zero Knowledge Proofs in Logistics - article by Zuhayr Reaz from April 2023.
- Open-sourcing zkml: Trustless Machine Learning for All - article by Daniel Kang from April 2023.
- Introducing zkTree: a zk recursion tree with ZKP membership proofs - article by Polymer Labs from April 2023.
- Checks and balances: Machine learning and zero-knowledge proofs - article by Elena Burger from April 2023.
- On Scalability, Transparency and Argument of Knowledge: ZK-STARK - article by Krinza Momin from April 2023.
- What are ZK-SNARKs and how they work - article by Lisa A. and Aleksei Vambol from April 2023.
- Automated Detection of Underconstrained Circuits for Zero-Knowledge Proofs - academic text by Shankara Pailoor, Yanju Chen, Franklyn Wang, Clara Rodríguez, Jacob Van Gaffen, Jason Morton, Michael Chu, Brian Gu, Yu Feng and Isil Dillig from April 2023.
- Bridging the Gap: How ZK-SNARKs Bring Transparency to Private ML Models with zkml - article by Daniel Kang from April 2023.
- Transforming the Future with Zero-Knowledge Proofs, Fully Homomorphic Encryption and new Distributed Systems algorithms - article by Not a Monad from April 2023.
- Zero Knowledge IoT - How the Baseline Protocol Can Secure the Edge of Networks - article by ConsenSys Mesh from April 2023.
- Zero-knowledge Proof; IZKs, NIZKs, SNARKS, STARKS - article by Mayowa Olatunji from April 2023.
- Empowering Users to Verify Twitter’s Algorithmic Integrity with zkml - article by Daniel Kang from April 2023.
- Certifying Zero-Knowledge Circuits with Refinement Types - academic text by Junrui Liu, Ian Kretz, Hanzhi Liu, Bryan Tan, Jonathan Wang, Yi Sun, Luke Pearson, Anders Miltner, Işıl Dillig and Yu Feng from April 2023.
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Voting - article by Florian Kluge and Phil Kelly from April 2023.
- Here’s how Ethereum’s ZK-rollups can become interoperable - article by Andrew Fenton from April 2023.
- Breaking Down Recursive ZK-STARKs - article by Lev Menshchikov from April 2023.
- Accelerating Zero-Knowledge Proofs - article by Figment Capital from April 2023.
- All you wanted to know about Plonk - article by Not A Monad from May 2023.
- ZK, AI, ZKML: Disruptive Technologies & Real-Life Use-Cases - article by Gaylord Warner from May 2023.
- Building zk-SNARKs (volume 1), volume 2 and volume 3 - article by Ramsès Fernàndez-València from May 2023.
- Benchmarking ZK-Circuits in Circom - academic text by Sanjay Gollapudi and Colin Steidtmann from May 2023.
- Zero Knowledge Blockchain Bridge - article by Victor Yeo from May 2023.
- zkML: Evolving the Intelligence of Smart Contracts Through Zero-Knowledge Cryptography - article by Justin McAfee from May 2023.
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs from the Action Subgraph - academic text by Giacomo Borin, Edoardo Persichetti and Paolo Santini from May 2023.
- Exploring zk-SNARKs: Privacy, Efficiency, and Vitalik Buterin’s Perspective - article by ZKWasm from May 2023.
- ZK EVM: Revolutionizing Ethereum’s Scalability and Privacy with Zero-Knowledge Proofs - article by Hari Pandey from May 2023.
- Bounded Verification for Finite-Field-Blasting (In a Compiler for Zero Knowledge Proofs) - academic text by Alex Ozdemir, Riad S. Wahby, Fraser Brown and Clark Barrett from May 2023.
- ZK programmability adds a whole new layer to worry about - article by David Wong from May 2023.
- Do in secret. Assert in public. Don't under-constrain your prover's witness computation in ZK programs - article by Brandon Kase from June 2023.
- ZK app developers should be able to see down to the constraints - article by David Wong from June 2023.
- SoK: Vector OLE-Based Zero-Knowledge Protocols - academic text by Carsten Baum, Samuel Dittmer, Peter Scholl and Xiao Wang from June 2023.
- What are Verkle Trees & KZG Commitments, and could they be applied on Bitcoin? - article by Shymaa Arafat from June 2023.
- Why is there a need to construct ZKEVM? - article by Jeremy from Rootz Labs from June 2023.
- zkSaaS: Zero-Knowledge SNARKs as a Service - academic text by Sanjam Garg, Aarushi Goel, Abhishek Jain, Guru-Vamsi Policharla and Sruthi Sekar from June 2023.
- Fighting AI-generated Audio with Attested Microphones and ZK-SNARKs: the Attested Audio Experiment - article by Daniel Kang, Kobi Gurkan, and Anna Rose from June 2023.
- Private Neural Network using Zero-Knowledge Proofs during Inference - article by José Angel Contreras from June 2023.
- A Hackers Guide to Layer 2: Zero Merkle Trees from Scratch - article by Carter Feldman from June 2023.
- Nova based folding of verifiable AI(ZKML) circuits - article by Rishabh Gupta from June 2023.
- How Zero-knowledge Proofs will be Empowered by Bitcoin - article by Bing Ventures from June 2023.
- Exploring Developer Experience on ZKRUs: An In-Depth Analysis - article by Glaze from June 2023.
- VSS from Distributed ZK Proofs and Applications - academic text by Shahla Atapoor, Karim Baghery, Daniele Cozzo and Robi Pedersen from June 2023.
- Publicly Verifiable Zero-Knowledge and Post-Quantum Signatures From VOLE-in-the-Head - academic text by Carsten Baum, Lennart Braun, Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Michael Klooß, Emmanuela Orsini, Lawrence Roy and Peter Scholl from June 2023.
- The Power of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Blockchain-based Voting System - article by Marvelous Akpere from June 2023.
- Decentralized Proving, Proof Markets, and ZK Infrastructure - article by Figment Capital from June 2023.
- Zero-Knowledge proofs for Blockchain scalling (pt. 1) - article by Ruslan Gilemzyanov from June 2023.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs: Empowering the Future of Data Privacy and Scalable Infrastructure, Part 1 - article by Syed Armani from July 2023.
- A pessimistic future for optimistic rollups - article by Carter Feldman from July 2023.
- The zero-knowledge attack of the year might just have happened, or how Nova got broken - article by David Wong from July 2023.
- Implementation and performance of a RLWE-based commitment scheme and ZKPoK for its linear and multiplicative relations - academic text by Ramiro Martínez, Paz Morillo and Sergi Rovira from July 2023.
- Hash Functions Monolith for ZK Applications: May the Speed of SHA-3 be With You - academic text by Lorenzo Grassi, Dmitry Khovratovich, Reinhard Lüftenegger, Christian Rechberger, Markus Schofnegger and Roman Walch from July 2023.
- Automated Analysis of Halo2 Circuits - academic text by Fatemeh Heidari Soureshjani, Mathias Hall-Andersen, MohammadMahdi Jahanara, Jeffrey Kam, Jan Gorzny, Mohsen Ahmadvand from July 2023.
- Guide on guides on Zero-knowledge proofs - article by Bogdan Grehovodov from July 2023.
- LinkG16 and Its Role in zk-creds - article by John Reynolds from July 2023.
- Fiat-Shamir Security of FRI and Related SNARKs - academic text by lexander R. Block1, Albert Garreta, Jonathan Katz, Justin Thaler, Pratyush Ranjan Tiwari and Michał Zając from July 2023.
- Converting Algebraic Circuits to R1CS (Rank One Constraint System) - article by Jeffrey Scholz from July 2023.
- Cross-chain communication exploration – rollups’ vision - article by Lisa A from July 2023.
- 17 misconceptions about SNARKs (and why they hold us back) - article by Justin Thaler from July 2023.
- Cycles of curves: what are they and do we need them? - article ny Wyatt Benno from July 2023.
- Moving the Real World to web3 With zk-Oracle - article by talhauns96 from July 2023.
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs Unveiled: From Theory to Practice with Aleo. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 and Chapter 7, Chapter 7 - series of articles by Illy’s Web3 blog from June and July 2023.
- Uncover the mystery of ZKML — Part 1 and Part 2 - series of articles by Rootz Lab from June and July 2023.
- Algebraic Attacks on RAIN and AIM Using Equivalent Representations - academic text by Fukang Liu and Mohammad Mahzoun from July 2023.
- Instant Zero Knowledge Proof of Reserve - academic text by Xiang Fu from July 2023.
- zkDL: Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Deep Learning Training - academic text by Haochen Sun and Hongyang Zhang from July 2023.
- ZK Bridges: Empowering the Cross-Chain World with Zero Knowledge Proofs - article by ScalingX from July 2023.
- A Primer for the Zero-Knowledge Cryptography: Part II - article by Rabia Fatima from August 2023.
- Pianist: Scalable zkRollups via Fully Distributed Zero-Knowledge Proofs - academic text by Tianyi Liu, Tiancheng Xie, Jiaheng Zhang, Dawn Song and Yupeng Zhang from August 2023.
- Finding Orientations of Supersingular Elliptic Curves and Quaternion Orders - acdemic text by Sarah Arpin, James Clements, Pierrick Dartois, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Péter Kutas, and Benjamin Wesolowski from August 2023.
- Inner Product Argument (IPA) and a Polynomial Commitment Scheme - article by LambdaClass from August 2023.
- Detecting boomerang values in zero-knowledge circuits using tag analysis - article by zksecurity from August 2023.
- Building a Zero Knowledge Proof from an R1CS - article by Jeffrey Scholz from August 2023.
- Elliptic Curve Point Addition - article by Jeffrey Scholz from September 2023.
- Maths & Logic for Zero-knowledge Proofs (simplified) — Part 3 - article by Biswashree Dey from September 2023.
- Why multi-prover matters. SGX as a possible solution. - article by Lisa A. and Brecht from September 2023.
- Secrets, and how to prove them: A magician’s guide to zero-knowledge proofs - article by Michael Blau from September 2023.
- Boosting the Performance of High-Assurance Cryptography: Parallel Execution and Optimizing Memory Access in Formally-Verified Line-Point Zero-Knowledge - academic text by Vitor Pereira, Stéphane Graham-Lengrand, Karim Eldefrawy, Steve Lu, Samuel Dittmer and Rafail Ostrovsky from September 2023.
- Experimenting with Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Training - academic text by Sanjam Garg, Aarushi Goel, Somesh Jha, Saeed Mahloujifar, Mohammad Mahmoody, Guru-Vamsi Policharla and Mingyuan Wang from September 2023.
- ZK + PARTH: An Architecture for Building Horizontally Scalable Blockchains - article by Carter Jack Feldman from September 2023.
- The Promise and Potential of LLM in Crypto - article by Glaze from September 2023.
- Under the hood of zkSNARK Groth16 protocol - part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4, part 5 and part 6 - article by Crypto Fairy from September 2023.
- R1CS to Quadratic Arithmetic Program over a Finite Field in Python - article by Jeffrey Scholz from September 2023.
- Improving Privacy of Anonymous Proof-of-Stake Protocols - academic text by Shichen Wu, Zhiying Song, Puwen Wei, Peng Tang and Quan Yuan from September 2023.
- Application of Mordell-Weil lattices with large kissing numbers to acceleration of multi-scalar multiplication on elliptic curves - academic text by Dmitrii Koshelev from September 2023.
- Elliptic Curves over Finite Field - article by Jeffrey Scholz from September 2023.
- TensorPlonk: A “GPU” for ZKML, Delivering 1,000x Speedups - article by Suppakit Waiwitlikhit and Daniel Kang from September 2023.
- ZK-EVM types: Ethereum-equivalent, EVM-equivalent, Type 1, Type 4, and other cryptic buzzwords - article by Lisa A. from September 2023.
- The Cross-Domain Thesis Part 2: Storage Proofs, Computation, and Bloat - article by Maven11 Research from October 2023.
- Groth16 Explained - article by Jeffrey Scholz from August 2023.
- Track 1: Upshot’s ZKML Price Predictor - article by Modulus from November 2023.
- Under the hood of zkSNARKs — PLONK protocol: part 5 - article by Crypto Fairy from November 2023.
- Fast and Designated-verifier Friendly zkSNARKs in the BPK Model - academic text by Xudong Zhu, Xuyang Song and Yi Deng from November 2023.
- BabySpartan: Lasso-based SNARK for non-uniform computation - academic text by Srinath Setty and Justin Thaler. (24.11.2023)
- Secure and Verifiable Data Collaboration with Low-Cost Zero-Knowledge Proofs - academic text by Yizheng Zhu, Yuncheng Wu, Zhaojing Luo, Beng Chin Ooi and Xiaokui Xiao from November 2023.
- Beyond MPC-in-the-Head: Black-Box Constructions of Short Zero-Knowledge Proofs - academic text by Carmit Hazay, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam and Mor Weiss from November 2023.
- Demystifying ZKML - article by Vid Kersic from November 2023.
- Is Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning (zkML) Legit? - article by Matt Pan from December 2023.
- Recursive zkSNARK Proof as a Private Input - What Is Visible To The Verifier? - article by Illya Gerasymchuk from December 2023.
- Reef: Fast Succinct Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Regex Proofs - academic text by Sebastian Angel, Eleftherios Ioannids, Elizabeth Margolin, Srinath Setty and Jess Woods from December 2023.
- Homomorphic Encryption: A Scalable Solution for Privacy, Security and Compliance On-Chain - article by Trireme Trading from December 2023.
- A Multiparty Commutative Hashing Protocol based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem - academic text by Daniel Zentai, Mihail Plesa and Robin Frot from December 2023.
- What might an “enshrined ZK-EVM” look like? - blog post by Vitalik Buterin from December 2023.
- ZKPs, FHE, MPC: Managing Private State in Blockchains - article by Mohamed Fouda from December 2023.
- Towards a zk-SNARK compiler for Wolfram language - academic text by Armando Cruz from January 2024.
- Zero-Knowledge Proof in NuLink - academic text by Pawn, Rookie and Zhuan Cheng from January 2024.
- How to Implement a Minimalist NFT zkRollup - article by Laszlo Fazekas from January 2024.
- Experimental Implementation of A Quantum Zero-Knowledge Proof for User Authentication - academic text by Marta I. Garcia-Cid, Dileepsai Bodanapu, Alberto Gatto, Paolo Martelli, Vicente Martin, Laura Ortiz from January 2024.
- Tree-based Lookup Table on Batched Encrypted Queries using Homomorphic Encryption - academic text by Jung Hee Cheon, Hyeongmin Choe and Jai Hyun Park from January 2024.
- Trust the Process: Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning to Enhance Trust in Generative AI Interactions - academic text by Bianca-Mihaela Ganescu and Jonathan Passerat-Palmbach from February 2024.
- Helium: Scalable MPC among Lightweight Participants and under Churn - academic text by Christian Mouchet, Sylvain Chatel, Apostolos Pyrgelis and Carmela Troncoso from February 2024.
- General Adversary Structures in Byzantine Agreement and Multi-Party Computation with Active and Omission Corruption - academic text by Konstantinos Brazitikos and Vassilis Zikas from February 2024.
- Application-Aware Approximate Homomorphic Encryption: Configuring FHE for Practical Use - academic text by Andreea Alexandru, Ahmad Al Badawi, Daniele Micciancio and Yuriy Polyakov from February 2024.
Projects that are using ZK-technology.
- Mina - layer one protocol designed to deliver on the original promise of blockchain — true decentralization, scale and security.
- Ziesha Network - layer-1 cryptocurrency which uses Zero Knowledge proofs as the back-end of its smart-contracts, focusing on a more scalable (Yet maintainable) blockchain by compressing transactions through zkRollup-like circuits.
- Dusk Network - layer-1 blockchain protocol capable of powering privacy-preserving smart contracts that satisfy business compliance criteria.
- Coingecko - list of top Zero Knowledge Coins by Coingecko.
- zkSync - zkSync is a scaling and privacy engine for Ethereum.
- dYdX - dYdX aims to build a powerful and professional exchange for trading crypto assets where users can truly own their trades and, eventually, the exchange itself.
- Stark.net - StarkWare is building StarkNet, a decentralized, permissionless, and censorship-resistant STARK-powered L2 ZK-Rollup that supports general computation over Ethereum. It is based on the Turing-complete Cairo language.
- Eigen Layer - Eigen layer is a general-purpose marketplace for decentralized trust, which is built on Ethereum, the largest programmable decentralized trust network, and unbundles the trust layer of Ethereum so components of the trust network can be reused for other purposes.
- Scroll.io - Scroll is a zkEVM-based zkRollup on Ethereum that enables native compatibility for existing Ethereum applications and tools.
- Loopring - Loopring's zkRollup L2 solution aims to offer the same security guarantees as Ethereum mainnet, with a big scalability boost: throughput increased by 1000x, and cost reduced to just 0.1% of L1.
- Mantle - Ethereum layer-2 network built with modular architecture delivering low fees and high security.
- ZKSpace - The ZKSpace platform consists of three main parts: a Layer 2 AMM DEX utilizing ZK-Rollups technology ZKSwap v3, a payment service called ZKSquare, an NFT marketplace called ZKSea.
- Aztec Connect - Aztec Connect is an open-source layer 2 network that aims to bring scalability and privacy to Ethereum.
- Polygon - Polygon is a Layer 2 scaling solution that achieves scale by utilizing sidechains for off-chain computation, while ensuring asset security and decentralization through Proof-of-Stake (PoS) validators.
- Arbitrum Nova - Arbitrum Nova is a suite of Ethereum scaling solutions that enable high-throughput, low-cost smart contracts while remaining trustlessly secure.
- zkPoD - decentralized platform for data exchange between untrusted parties realizing "Payment on Delivery" without any trusted third party.
- Ruby Protocol - private data management framework for Web 3.0.
- Modulo Zero - on-chain solution for private data exchange.
- Qredo - The Qredo Network is an institutional-grade clearing and settlement network for digital assets.
- Taiko - Taiko is a fully decentralized, Ethereum-equivalent ZK-Rollup (a Type 1 ZK-EVM).
- Risc Zero ZKEVM - an open-source, zero-knowledge virtual machine that lets building trustless, verifiable software.
- Horizen - the zero-knowledge enabled network of blockchains.
- Axiom - ZK coprocessor for Ethereum which provides smart contracts trustless access to all on-chain data and arbitrary expressive compute over it.
- Sovereign - an ecosystem of seamlessly interoperable and scalable rollups that can run on any blockchain.
- Hyper Oracle - Hyper Oracle is a programmable zkOracle network that safeguards blockchain security and decentralization.
- QED - zk-Native blockchain protocol.
- ZoKrates - a toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum.
- Circom - zkSnark circuit compiler.
- Snarkjs - zkSNARK implementation in JavaScript & WASM.
- Winterfell - a STARK prover and verifier for arbitrary computations.
- zkWASM - the crucial part which served as a trustless adopter between the rich application running on WASM runtime and smart contracts on various blockchains.
- zkLLVM Circuit Compiler - compiler from high-level programming languages into an input for provable computations protocols.
- Arkwork - a Rust ecosystem for zkSNARK programming.
- Py_plonk - simple python implementation of the PLONK protocol.
- EthSnarks - a collection of zkSNARK circuits and supporting libraries to use them with Ethereum smart contracts.
- Fusion - Ethereum zkRollup written in Rust and focuses on performance, modularity, and applying Verifiable Computation proof systems.
List of whitepapers to the described projects.
- Mina
- Dusk Network
- Zeisha Network
- zkSync
- Risc Zero
- dYdX
- Stark.net
- Eigen Layer
- Scroll.io
- Loopring
- ZKSpace
- Aztec Connect
- Polygon
- Arbitrum Nova
- Ruby Protocol
- Qredo
- Taiko
- Horizen
- Axiom
- Hyper Oracle
- ZK Bench - open source, continuous benchmarks for popular zk implementations
- Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP): How It Works and Why Its Important - Short video created by CoinGecko explaining basics of ZKP.
- What are Rollups in Crypto? ZKSnarks vs Optimistics Rollups Explained - Short video introducing Rollups.
- Computer Scientist Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED - video explaining Zero Knowledge in 5 Levels of Difficulty.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs - Computerphile - short video explaining Zero Knowledge Proofs by Alberto Sonnino.
- Introduction to Zero Knowledge Proofs' - Elena Nadolinski - 20 minutes long webinar introducing Zero Knowledge Proofs' by Elena Nadolinski.
- Zero Knowledge Proof (with Avi Wigderson) - Numberphile - lecture explaining Zero Knowledge Proof by Avi Wigderson from the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- Zero Knowledge Cryptography Introduction | Solidity Fridays - Workshop from EthSafari in Keny by Tamara Ringas.
- What to know about Zero Knowledge | Devcon Bogotá - Meeting at Ethereum conference by Ethereum Foundation.
- ELI5: Zero Knowledge by Wanseob Lim | Devcon Bogotá - lecture given by Wanseob Lim at Devcon Bogotá.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs and Their Future Applications by Elad Verbin at Web3 Summit 2018 - lecture given by Elad Verbin at Web3 Summit 2018 in Berlin.
- Zero Knowledge Proof on Casper Network! ZK for dummies - interview with CEO of Odra.dev - Maciej Zieliński about ZKP.
- Projective Rollups: a class of rollups supporting data projections - explanation of projective rollups and how this class relates to existing rollup categories like zk rollups, optimistic rollups, sovereign rollups as well as sidechains by Sebastien Guillemot.
- ZK Tech You Should Now - part 1, part 2 and part 3 - series of quick videos explaining SNARKs, STARKs, ZK Rollups and zkApps.
- What Are Zero-Knowledge Rollups and How Do They Work - simple explanation of the zkRollups.
- zk-SNARKs Explained - Binance’s Proof of Reserves System - video sortly explaining zk-SNARKs.
- Delendum - Daniel Kang, Scaling Zero Knowledge Proofs to ImageNet Scale Models - lecture by Daniel Kang.
- Scaling Ethereum Summit | An Introduction to zkRollup and zkEVM - Haichen Shen - talk by Haichen Shen from Scroll.
- How Zero Knowledge Proofs Change the Narrative Around Privacy - discussion with Horizen Co-founder Rob Viglione.
- Session on Privacy and ZKP - lectures by TheIACR from March 2023.
- Zero knowledge proofs simplified - Paweł Kowalewski - talk by Paweł Kowalewski from May 2023.
- Jason Morton - What Is Unlocked by Practical Zero-Knowledge Proofs? | EDCON2023 - lecture by Jason Morton from May 2023.
- Zero knowledge made simple | Justin Thaler - lecture by Justin Thaler from June 2023.
- Client-side ZK - Dan Tehrani (Personae Labs) - lecture by Dan Tehrani.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs 101 / Daniel Lumi - lecture by Daniel Lumi.
- An introduction to Zero-Knowledge Machine Learning / Dcbuilder.eth - lecture by dcbuilder.eth.
- Eos: Efficient Private Delegation of zkSNARK Provers - Ryan Lehmkuhl - lecture by Ryan Lehmkuhl.
- The immediate next steps of ZKML - Cathie So | Ethereum Foundation - lecture by Cathie So.
- Efficient Zero-Knowledge (CHES 2023) - presentations from CHES 2023 from September 2023.
- ZK Whiteboard Sessions - series of videos explaining all things zero knowledge.
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs coming to Casper: The Odra Framework - video about Odra Smart contract framework being built on the Casper Network.
- Scaling Up Blockchains with Zero-Knowledge Proofs - a16z Crypto general partner Ali Yahya speaks with Alex Gluchowski and Alex Vlasov, co-founders of Matter Labs; and Dan Boneh, professor of computer science at Stanford University; about the the "beautiful" technology behind zero-knowledge proofs and how zkSync enables Ethereum to scale in a way that preserves its values of decentralization and security.
- Bilinear Pairings-based Zero-Knowledge Proofs - Jens Groth, DFINITY - Jens Groth, the member of the ZKProof Steering Committee, presented the framework of bilinear pairings for constructing zero-knowledge proofs at Dfinity conference.
- Probabilistically Checkable and Interactive Proof Systems (playlist) - informative series of videos by Simons Institute.
- StarkNet – Scaling with a STARK-Based ZK-Rollup - TOKEN2049 Singapore 2022 - 16 minutes lecture about StarkNet - project based on ZK-Rollup in TOKEN2049 Singapore 2022.
- ZK-SYNC Interview with Alex Gluchowski - Scaling Ethereum with Zero Knowledge Rollups - interview with Alex Gluchowski - co-founder of ZK-Sync project.
- Associate Professor Ron Steinfield : Post Quantum ZK proofs and Blockchain applications - a lecture from Algorand Centre of Excellence on Sustainability Informatics for the Pacific (ACE-SIP) Summer School 2023.
- Snark Design, Part I, Part II and Part III - series from a16z crypto research talks about Snark survey, rollups and more by Justin Thaler.
- Arrr ZK Trusted Setup Pirate Chain Capt. Draeth In Miami - interview with discussion on Zero Knowledge proofs trusted setup and misconceptions about it.
- Zero-Knowledge Proof: PLONK - video by DoraHacks.
- S21 // Tweet Size Zero-Knowledge Proof Blockchain by Brian McKenna- presentation of the Head of Product of Mina Foundation.
- STARKDenver Conference 2023 - Defining Onchain Possibilities - lecture from ETHDenver 2023.
- Pioneering Use Cases of Zero-Knowledge Tech, ZKEX, Holonym, BTQ, and zkLink - panel discussion on the application of ZK at ETHDenver 2023.
- Private Smart Contracts Using Homomorphic Encryption - Rand Hindi (Zama) - lecture by Rand Hindi from April 2023.
- ZK Symposium (playlist) - lectures by Scroll.
- ZK-Actus - Verifiable Financial Contracts - lecture by Mark Greenslade. (09.09.2023)
- Daniel Wang (Taiko) - A Progressively Hybrid Rollup Design | ETH Singapore - lecture by Daniel Wang from September 2023.
- Accessing Ethereum historical data with zkProofs: Lido Validators' Balance zkOracle - webinar by Nick Volynkin from September 2023.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs in Node.JS - Federico Rampazzo - talk about ZK by Federico Rampazzo presented at London Node User Group.
- Dystopia Labs | Demystifying Zero Knowledge Proofs: How To Build DApps With zk-SNARKs - informative series of videos about building DApps With zk-SNARKs by Elena Nadolinski (CEO of Beanstalk, DevCon Speaker) and Remco Bloemen (Technical Fellow at 0x, ETH Hackathon Speaker).
- Zero Knowledge Machine Learning - 16 minutes lecture about Machine Learning in ZK at the Ethereum conference.
- Are Your Zero-Knowledge Proofs Correct? by Jon Stephens | Devcon Bogotá - lecture given by Jon Stephens at Devcon Bogotá.
- Zero Knowledge Proof Study Group (playlist) - lectures by Bitcoin Class with Satoshi.
- Zero Knowledge Programming with TypeScript - Jack Servia | Mina zkApps | Devfolio - lecture about SnarkyJS by Jack Servia.
- How to build and deploy on-chain AI/ML with zero-knowledge machine learning - lecture from ETHDenver 2023 by Jason Morton.
- ZKML with EZKL sharing session(EN) - lecture on Zero Knowledge Machine Learning by Jason Morton.
- SnarkyJS: Recursive ZK Proofs in Typescript - recording from ZKP/Web3 Hackathon from March 2023.
- How to Create Prover and Verifier App on zkVM - Zero Knowledge Simplified - tutorial by WEB3Dev - Devs in Chains.
- Scaling Trustless DNN Inference with zkml - Daniel Kang - lecture by Daniel Kang.
- What is ZKML and how can Devs get involved.
- Folding Circom circuits: a ZKML case study - Dr. Cathie So - lecture by Cathie So.
- Scaling dApps with Bonsai (RISC Zero @ ETH Waterloo) - lecture from ETH Waterloo 2023.
- ZKML: Verifiable & Privacy-Preserving Compute in Blockchain - lecture by Cathie So.
- Building zkApps with Typescript and SnarkyJS on Mina Protocol - workshop by Developer DAO.
- Building zkApps with TypeScript on Mina (tutorials): tutorial 1, tutorial 2, tutorial 3 and tutorial 4.
- SISMO: Redefining Privacy with Zero-Knowledge Proofs - video explaining SISMO.
- Build a Decentralized Application on Polygon zkEVM part 1, part 2 and part 3 - tutorial by Charming Data.
- Vitalik Buterin: Zero Knowledge Proofs and Ethereum Update @ Ethereum HK Meetup - 1-hour meetup from 2017 with Vitalik Buterin (founder of Ethereum) speaking about Zero Knowledge Proofs and ZKSnarks.
- Blockchain-Web3 MOOCs - Lecture 10.3: What is a zk-SNARK? - Part of a larger lecture. Simple, but the in-depth explanation of zk-SNARK with some mathematic notation, but explained as it goes.
- The PLONK zero-knowledge proof system (playlist) - informative series of videos about PLONK zero-knowledge proof system by David Wong.
- ZK Study Club - Plonk with Zac Williamson - lecture given by Zac Williamson - founder of Aztec - about the math behind Plonk.
- PLONK: Privacy in a World of Universal SNARKs - Zac Williamson - another lecture about Plonk given by Zac Williamson.
- The 9th BIU Winter School on Cryptography - Zero Knowledge (playlist) - informative series of videos about Zero Knowledge from The 9th BIU Winter School on Cryptography.
- Stacked Garbling for Disjunctive Zero-Knowledge Proofs - lecture given by David Heath, Vladimir Kolesnikov presented at Eurocrypt 2020.
- Efficient Fully Secure Computation via Distributed Zero-Knowledge Proofs - lecture given by Ariel Nof presented at Asiacrypt 2020.
- Public-Coin Zero-Knowledge Arguments with (almost) Minimal Time and Space Overheads - lecture presented at TCC 2020.
- Common Zero-Knowledge Proof Vulnerabilities - lecture about common vulnerabilities found in ZK programs by Dylan Davis.
- Zero-knowledge proof composition and recursion (playlist) - series about how proof composition and recursion work with different schemes by David Wong.
- HCPP22 | Ariel Gabizon - Zero-knowledge proofs: From novice to master - lecture from Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis by Ariel Gabizon.
- Zero-Knowledge Proof: Groth16 - workshop by Alexey Kalmykov.
- STARKs: a tool for computational integrity - video explaining how STARKs work by Diego Kingston.
- FRI Mechanics: Folding, Committing, and Batching - talk about FRI Protocol by Paul Gafni.
- Proving UNSAT in Zero Knowledge - lecture by Ning Luo.
- Zero Knowledge Proofs: A Technical Deep Dive - webinar by Jim Zhang.
- ASPLOS'23 - Session 7B - GZKP: A GPU Accelerated Zero-Knowledge Proof System - lecture by Nathan Dautenhahn.
- The Mathematics behind zkSNARKS - lecture by Mirco Richter.
- Plonk-DIZK GPU Acceleration - Allen Au, Chengru Zhang (PolyU) - lecture by Allen Au and Chengru Zhang (PolyU).
- A Unifying Framework for Folding and Accumulation Schemes - Nicolas Mohnblatt (Geometry) - lecture by Nicolas Mohnblatt.
- Proof Recursion in ZKML - lecture by Cathie So.
- Weekly Zero Knowledge Podcast. ZK bot containing the entirety of the ZKPodcast knowledge is here.
- Weekly Devs Do Something Podcast.
- Weekly Epicenter Podcast.
- Bi-weekly STARK-Struck Podcast with guests from the StarkNet ecosystem and the blockchain space.
- Dusk: Internet of Assets podcast.
- The Ceremony - episode from Radiolab about ZCash ceremony from February 2021.
- Setting the record straight on zkEVM | Polygon Pod - episode from Polygon Pod podcast from December 2022.
- Anna Rose & Kobi Gurkan: Zero Knowledge Proofs – State of the ZK Ecosystem Part I and Part II - episodes from Epicenter podcast from December 2022 and January 2023.
- Learning about Zero Knowledge Proof - an episode from The Bad Crypto podcast from January 2023.
- Zero Knowledge Authority - Adopting Zero Trust episode from February 2023.
- Tasha Labs episode - How to Increase Staking Yields on Ethereum from February 2023.
- Data Science episode - Prove It Without Revealing It: Exploring the Power of Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Data Science (Ep. 218) from February 2023.
- Web3 Deep Dive episode - What are zero-knowledge proofs and how will this technology advance Web3? from May 2023.
- The Y-Axis Podcast episode - Tarun Chitra: Mathematics, Zero Knowledge Proofs & LLMs from June 2023.
- The No Execution podcast episode - Exploring ZK proofs in the modular stack from July 2023.
- The Bell Curve episode - The Intersection of Restaking and Liquid Staking | Sreeram Kannan from July 2023.
- Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach - book by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak from Princeton University, January 2007.
- Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications - book by Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier, and Tadayoshi Kohno, March 2010.
- A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography - book by Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup, 2020.
- Proofs, Arguments, and Zero-Knowledge - book by Justin Thaler, October 2022.
- The MoonMath Manual to zk-SNARKs - book by Mirco Richter.
- Pairing for Beginners - book by Craig Costello.