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Added token minting comments
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NindoK committed Jan 26, 2025
1 parent 7ff866f commit 26fce6b
Showing 3 changed files with 293 additions and 275 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions overridden_contracts/src/Gateway.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -509,9 +509,14 @@ contract Gateway is IOGateway, IInitializable, IUpgradable {
revert MiddlewareNotSet();

// Probably need to send me the token to be minted?
(uint256 epoch, uint256 eraIndex, uint256 totalPointsToken, uint256 totalTokensInflated, bytes32 rewardsRoot) =
abi.decode(data, (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, bytes32));

// ! We need a foreignTokenID to mint the token. I don't want to save it in the Assets storage otherwise it's another change to be made. Can we send directly the address of the token everytime?
// bytes32 foreignTokenID = bytes32(0);
// Assets.mintForeignToken(foreignTokenID, middlewareAddress, totalTokensInflated);

try IMiddlewareBasic(middlewareAddress).distributeRewards(
epoch, eraIndex, totalPointsToken, totalTokensInflated, rewardsRoot
) {} catch Error(string memory err) {
272 changes: 1 addition & 271 deletions overridden_contracts/test/Gateway.t.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity 0.8.25;

import {Test, Vm} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {Strings} from "openzeppelin/utils/Strings.sol";
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import {IGateway} from "../src/interfaces/IGateway.sol";
import {IOGateway} from "../src/interfaces/IOGateway.sol";
import {IInitializable} from "../src/interfaces/IInitializable.sol";
import {IUpgradable} from "../src/interfaces/IUpgradable.sol";
import {IMiddlewareBasic} from "../src/interfaces/IMiddlewareBasic.sol";
import {Gateway} from "../src/Gateway.sol";
import {MockGateway} from "./mocks/MockGateway.sol";

@@ -163,23 +162,6 @@ contract GatewayTest is Test {
return (Command.CreateAgent, abi.encode((keccak256("6666"))));

function _makeReportSlashesCommand() public pure returns (Command, bytes memory) {
IOGateway.Slash[] memory slashes = new IOGateway.Slash[](1);
slashes[0] = IOGateway.Slash({operatorKey: bytes32(uint256(1)), slashFraction: 500_000, timestamp: 1});
uint256 eraIndex = 1;
return (Command.ReportSlashes, abi.encode(IOGateway.SlashParams({eraIndex: eraIndex, slashes: slashes})));

function _makeReportRewardsCommand() public pure returns (Command, bytes memory) {
uint256 epoch = 0;
uint256 eraIndex = 1;
uint256 totalPointsToken = 1 ether;
uint256 tokensInflatedToken = 1 ether;
bytes32 rewardsRoot = bytes32(uint256(1));

return (Command.ReportRewards, abi.encode(epoch, eraIndex, totalPointsToken, tokensInflatedToken, rewardsRoot));

function makeMockProof() public pure returns (Verification.Proof memory) {
return Verification.Proof({
leafPartial: Verification.MMRLeafPartial({
@@ -1027,256 +1009,4 @@ contract GatewayTest is Test {
bytes memory encodedParams = abi.encode(params);

// middleware not set, should not be able to process slash
function testSubmitSlashesWithoutMiddleware() public {
deal(assetHubAgent, 50 ether);

(Command command, bytes memory params) = _makeReportSlashesCommand();

vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IOGateway.UnableToProcessSlashMessageB(abi.encodeWithSelector(Gateway.MiddlewareNotSet.selector));
// Expect the gateway to emit `InboundMessageDispatched`
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IGateway.InboundMessageDispatched(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, messageID, false);

hoax(relayer, 1 ether);
InboundMessage(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, command, params, maxDispatchGas, maxRefund, reward, messageID),

// middleware set, but not complying with the interface, should not process slash
function testSubmitSlashesWithMiddlewareNotComplyingInterface() public {
deal(assetHubAgent, 50 ether);

(Command command, bytes memory params) = _makeReportSlashesCommand();


bytes memory empty;
// Expect the gateway to emit `InboundMessageDispatched`
// For some reason when you are loading an address not complying an interface, you get an empty message
// It still serves us to know that this is the reason
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IOGateway.UnableToProcessSlashMessageB(empty);
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IGateway.InboundMessageDispatched(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, messageID, false);

hoax(relayer, 1 ether);
InboundMessage(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, command, params, maxDispatchGas, maxRefund, reward, messageID),

// middleware set, complying interface but slash reverts
function testSubmitSlashesWithMiddlewareComplyingInterfaceAndSlashRevert() public {
deal(assetHubAgent, 50 ether);

(Command command, bytes memory params) = _makeReportSlashesCommand();

bytes memory expectedError = bytes("no process slash");

// We mock the call so that it reverts
vm.mockCallRevert(address(1), abi.encodeWithSelector(IMiddlewareBasic.slash.selector), "no process slash");

// We mock the call so that it does not revert, but it will revert in the previous one
vm.mockCall(address(1), abi.encodeWithSelector(IMiddlewareBasic.getEpochAtTs.selector), abi.encode(10));


IOGateway.Slash memory expectedSlash =
IOGateway.Slash({operatorKey: bytes32(uint256(1)), slashFraction: 500_000, timestamp: 1});

vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IOGateway.UnableToProcessIndividualSlashB(
expectedSlash.operatorKey, expectedSlash.slashFraction, expectedSlash.timestamp, expectedError
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IGateway.InboundMessageDispatched(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, messageID, true);

hoax(relayer, 1 ether);
InboundMessage(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, command, params, maxDispatchGas, maxRefund, reward, messageID),

// middleware set, complying interface and slash processed
function testSubmitSlashesWithMiddlewareComplyingInterfaceAndSlashProcessed() public {
deal(assetHubAgent, 50 ether);

(Command command, bytes memory params) = _makeReportSlashesCommand();

// We mock the call so that it does not revert
vm.mockCall(address(1), abi.encodeWithSelector(IMiddlewareBasic.slash.selector), abi.encode(10));

// We mock the call so that it does not revert
vm.mockCall(address(1), abi.encodeWithSelector(IMiddlewareBasic.getEpochAtTs.selector), abi.encode(10));


// Since we are asserting all fields, the last one is a true, therefore meaning
// that the dispatch went through correctly

vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IGateway.InboundMessageDispatched(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, messageID, true);

hoax(relayer, 1 ether);
InboundMessage(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, command, params, maxDispatchGas, maxRefund, reward, messageID),

Vm.Log[] memory entries = vm.getRecordedLogs();
// We assert none of the slash error events has been emitted
for (uint256 i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
assertNotEq(entries[i].topics[0], IOGateway.UnableToProcessIndividualSlashB.selector);
assertNotEq(entries[i].topics[0], IOGateway.UnableToProcessIndividualSlashS.selector);

function testSubmitRewards() public {
deal(assetHubAgent, 50 ether);

(Command command, bytes memory params) = _makeReportRewardsCommand();

// We mock the call so that it does not revert
vm.mockCall(address(1), abi.encodeWithSelector(IMiddlewareBasic.distributeRewards.selector), abi.encode(true));


// Expect the gateway to emit `InboundMessageDispatched`
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IGateway.InboundMessageDispatched(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, messageID, true);

hoax(relayer, 1 ether);
InboundMessage(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, command, params, maxDispatchGas, maxRefund, reward, messageID),

function testSubmitRewardsWithoutMiddleware() public {
deal(assetHubAgent, 50 ether);

(Command command, bytes memory params) = _makeReportRewardsCommand();

vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IOGateway.UnableToProcessRewardsMessageB(abi.encodeWithSelector(Gateway.MiddlewareNotSet.selector));
// Expect the gateway to emit `InboundMessageDispatched`
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IGateway.InboundMessageDispatched(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, messageID, false);

hoax(relayer, 1 ether);
InboundMessage(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, command, params, maxDispatchGas, maxRefund, reward, messageID),

// middleware set, but not complying with the interface, should not process rewards
function testSubmitRewardsWithMiddlewareNotComplyingInterface() public {
deal(assetHubAgent, 50 ether);

(Command command, bytes memory params) = _makeReportRewardsCommand();


bytes memory empty;
// Expect the gateway to emit `InboundMessageDispatched`
// For some reason when you are loading an address not complying an interface, you get an empty message
// It still serves us to know that this is the reason
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IOGateway.UnableToProcessRewardsMessageB(empty);
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IGateway.InboundMessageDispatched(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, messageID, false);

hoax(relayer, 1 ether);
InboundMessage(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, command, params, maxDispatchGas, maxRefund, reward, messageID),

// middleware set, complying interface but rewards reverts
function testSubmitRewardsWithMiddlewareComplyingInterfaceAndRewardsRevert() public {
deal(assetHubAgent, 50 ether);

(Command command, bytes memory params) = _makeReportRewardsCommand();

bytes memory expectedError = bytes("can't process rewards"); //This should actually come from IODefaultOperatorRewards

// We mock the call so that it reverts
address(1), abi.encodeWithSelector(IMiddlewareBasic.distributeRewards.selector), "can't process rewards"


uint256 expectedEpoch = 0;
uint256 expectedEraIndex = 1;
uint256 expectedTotalPointsToken = 1 ether;
uint256 expectedTotalTokensInflated = 1 ether;
bytes32 expectedRewardsRoot = bytes32(uint256(1));

vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IOGateway.UnableToProcessRewardsB(
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IGateway.InboundMessageDispatched(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, messageID, true);

hoax(relayer, 1 ether);
InboundMessage(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, command, params, maxDispatchGas, maxRefund, reward, messageID),

// middleware set, complying interface and rewards processed
function testSubmitRewardsWithMiddlewareComplyingInterfaceAndRewardsProcessed() public {
deal(assetHubAgent, 50 ether);

(Command command, bytes memory params) = _makeReportRewardsCommand();

// We mock the call so that it does not revert
vm.mockCall(address(1), abi.encodeWithSelector(IMiddlewareBasic.distributeRewards.selector), abi.encode(true));


vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit IGateway.InboundMessageDispatched(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, messageID, true);

hoax(relayer, 1 ether);
InboundMessage(assetHubParaID.into(), 1, command, params, maxDispatchGas, maxRefund, reward, messageID),

Vm.Log[] memory entries = vm.getRecordedLogs();
// We assert none of the rewards error events has been emitted
for (uint256 i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
assertNotEq(entries[i].topics[0], IOGateway.UnableToProcessRewardsMessageB.selector);
assertNotEq(entries[i].topics[0], IOGateway.UnableToProcessRewardsMessageS.selector);

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