This repository are the messages and sevices of the stack: droneMsgsROS.
- Disclaimer
- Packages inside the repository
- Libraries and executables generated by this repository
- Branches
- Repository requirements and dependencies
- Installation Instructions
- Running Instructions
- Documentation
- License
- Related publications and Citing
- More information and videos
- Contributors
- Acknowledgments
You are using this software at your own risk. The authors decline any responsibility for personal injuries and/or property damage.
Some drones supported by this framework ARE NOT TOYS. Even operation by expert users might cause SERIOUS INJURIES to people around. So, please consider flying in a properly screened or isolated flight area.
This repository is formed by a unique package:
- droneMsgsROS.
This repository generates:
- Libraries: none
- Executables: none
- ROS Messages.
- ROS Services.
This repository has the following branches:
- Master: Catkin version of the package.
This package is running under:
- Ubuntu: 12.04 and above
- ROS: Hydro and above with Catkin
This package has been tested under:
- Ubuntu: 12.04, 14.04
- ROS: Hydro, Indigo with Catkin
This package does not require any additional system requirement.
This package depends on the following ROS packages:
- message_generation & message_runtime
- std_msgs
- sensor_msgs
- geometry_msgs
- std_srvs
Please, see installation instructions of the full stack.
Please, see installation instructions of the full stack.
Please, see installation instructions of the full stack.
Please, see running instructions of the full stack.
Unfortunately this repository has no more extra documentation.
If this repository gets the interest of the community, we will continue adding information depending on the questions made by its users.
All distributed software are subject to the 3-clause BSD license.
We have the following publications related with this package:
Papers that explain the full stack where this package is included:
- J. L. Sanchez-Lopez, J. Pestana, P. de la Puente, R. Suarez-Fernandez, P. Campoy. A System for the Design and Development of Vision-based Multi-robot Quadrotor Swarms. 2014 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS’14). Orlando (FL, USA). May 27-30, 2014. Pp: 640-648. DOI: 10.1109/ICUAS.2014.6842308.
Papers that explain the competitions where the Computer Vision Group has participated using the full stack:
IMAV 2013
- J. L. Sanchez-Lopez, J. Pestana, P. de la Puente, A. Carrio, P. Campoy. Visual Quadrotor Swarm for the IMAV 2013 Indoor Competition. Robot 2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT 2013). Madrid (Spain). Nov. 28-29, 2013. Book title: Robot 2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference. Book subtitle: Advances in intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 253. Published year: 2014. Pp: 55-63. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03653-3_5. Print ISBN: 978-3-319-03652-6. Online ISBN: 978-3-319-03653-3. Publisher: Springer International Publishing.
- J. L. Sanchez-Lopez, J. Pestana, P. de la Puente, P. Campoy. Visual Quadrotor Swarm for IMAV 2013 Indoor Competition. 2013 International Micro Aerial Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition (IMAV 2013). Toulouse (France). September, 17-20, 2013.
IARC 2014
- J. Pestana, J. L. Sanchez-Lopez, R. Suarez-Fernandez, JF Collumeau, P Campoy, J Martin-Cristobal, M Molina, J De Lope, D Maravall. A Vision Based Aerial Robot solution for the IARC 2014 by the Technical University of Madrid. 2014 International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC 2014). Yantai (China). Aug. 3-7, 2014.
Please, don't forget to cite our best paper:
author={Sanchez-Lopez, J.L. and Pestana, J. and de la Puente, P. and Suarez-Fernandez, R. and Campoy, P.},
booktitle={Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2014 International Conference on},
title={A system for the design and development of vision-based multi-robot quadrotor swarms},
You can check the group webpage to find videos or extra information.
List of people that have contributed:
- Jose Luis Sanchez-Lopez ([email protected]): Main Author, Maintainaince, Debugging, Testing and Documentation.
- Jesus Pestana Puerta ([email protected]): Maintainaince, Debugging and Testing.
- Adrian Carrio: Testing.
- Ramon Suarez Fernandez: Testing.
Questions, suggestions, requests, ... whatever. Feel free to contact me (Jose Luis Sanchez-Lopez - [email protected]).
You are very welcome to contribute to this repository by opening a pull request via Bitbucket.
Special thanks to:
- Computer Vision Group (CVG):
- Centre for Automation and Robotics (CAR):
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC):
- Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM):