Welcome to the Morpho GitHub! This is the place where you'll find all Morpho related codebases.
Morpho welcomes external contributions. To get started you can checkout the following repositories:
- morpho-blue: Morpho Blue, the most secure, efficient and flexible lending protocol on Ethereum.
- morpho-blue-irm: Interest Rate Models that can be used by Morpho Blue.
- morpho-blue-oracles: Oracles that can be used by Morpho Blue.
- metamorpho: A protocol for noncustodial risk management on top of Morpho Blue based on the ERC4626 standard.
- public-allocator: A contract to reallocate liquidity across markets.
- morpho-blue-bundlers: Contract to easily batch actions into one single transaction for an EOA.
- universal-rewards-distributor: Contracts to easily distribute incentives on Morpho Blue's markets.
- morpho-optimizers: The first version of Morpho on top of AaveV2 and CompoundV2.
- morpho-aavev3-optimizer: The first version of Morpho on top of AaveV3.
Offchain contributions:
- morpho-blue-subgraph: Morpho Blue subgraph that is indexing Blue lending protocol data