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Investigating the connectivity of human brain's recorded signals

The first version of the code was implemented by Morteza Mahdiani and Jon Walbrin at PROACTION Laboratory.


This repository provides an object oriented code for investigating the directed connectivity between signals obtained from human brain fMRI data.


Quick Guide

First, you should create an instance of the GCParameters class to set the parameters that are required for granger cuasality analysis obtained by MVGC toolbox as bellow:

gc_instance = GCParameters(ntrials, regmode, icregmode, morder, momax, tstat, alpha, mhtc, seed);

The parameters are:

  • ntrials
    • number of trials
  • regmode
    • VAR model estimation regression mode ('OLS', 'LWR' or empty for default)
  • icregmode
    • information criteria regression mode ('OLS', 'LWR' or empty for default)
  • morder
    • model order to use ('actual', 'AIC', 'BIC' or supplied numerical value)
  • momax
    • maximum model order for model order estimation
  • tstat
    • statistical test for MVGC: 'chi2' for Geweke's chi2 test (default) or'F' for Granger's F-test
  • alpha
    • significance level for significance test
  • mhtc
    • multiple hypothesis test correction (see routine 'significance')
  • seed
    • random seed (0 for unseeded)

For example we can set them like this:

gc_instance = GCParameters(1,'OLS', 'LWR', 'AIC', 20, 'F', 0.05, 'FDR', 0)

Secondly we need to create an instance for FMRIGC class by calling its constructor as below:

c_instance = FMRIGC(pathOfData, pathOfMasks, outputPath, fID, lID, number_of_observations, path_to_MVGC, region_wise_flag, ROIs)

The parameters are:

  • pathOfData
    • path to the nifti files of fMRI data
  • pathOfMasks
    • path to the masks that we want to apply on fMRI data
  • outputPath
    • path to a directory for storing the outputs
  • fID
    • the index of the first subject in the nifti files
  • lID
    • the index of the last subject in the nifti files
  • number_of_observations
    • number of observations per trial
  • path_to_MVGC
    • path to the MVGC toolbox root in our local device
  • region_wise_flag
    • true for region-wise and false for voxel-wise
  • ROIs
    • the resions that we want to use for masking input data

For example we can set them like this:

inst = FMRIGC('/Users/saminjamshidi/Documents/condata/ResidualTimeCourse_THBFP_FIR','/Users/saminjamshidi/Documents/condata/SubjReg_SearchSpaces_GM_ASMasked','/Users/saminjamshidi/Documents/condata/out', 8, 9, 1100, '/Users/saminjamshidi/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB Add-Ons/Collections/The Multivariate Granger Causality (MVGC) Toolbox')


inst = FMRIGC('/Users/saminjamshidi/Documents/condata/ResidualTimeCourse_THBFP_FIR','/Users/saminjamshidi/Documents/condata/SubjReg_SearchSpaces_GM_ASMasked','/Users/saminjamshidi/Documents/condata/out', 8, 9, 1100,'/Users/saminjamshidi/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB Add-Ons/Collections/The Multivariate Granger Causality (MVGC) Toolbox', true, {'rOFA','rFFA','rSTSF'})

Finally you should use preprocess and GCM methods for the initialized instance of the FMRIGC class! For preprocess function you should pass the number of trials as follow:

Then the preprocess phase will start by calling whether regionWisePreprocess or voxelWisePreprocess functions. Regarding the regionWisePreprocess function you need to specify whether you want to store preprocessed data or not:


For example use it as bellow:


For voxelWisePreprocess function you just need to specify the flag for saving preprocessed data like this:


For example use it as bellow:


For Granger causality analysis what you need to do is very simple by providing actual model order and also Granger Causality parameters via an instance of GCParameters class. However, there is a option to load the preprocessed and stored data from preprocessing stage. For loading preprocessed data you can easily provide the path of the preprocessed data as the final argument of the GCTensor function.

For GCTensor you should pass the instance of GCParameters class and actual order of the model.

c_instance.GCTensor(GCParameters_initialized_instance, actual_model_order)

For example, you can use it as follow:

c_instance.GCTensor(gc_instance, 20)

For GCTensor, when we want to load the preprocessed data from a directory we can also provide the path to the preprocessed data obtained from preprocess stage.

c_instance.GCTensor(GCParameters_initialized_instance, actual_model_order, path_of_the_preprocessed_data)

For example, you can use it as follow:

c_instance.GCTensor(gc_instance, 20, '/Documents/out/')

The 3D output matrix of Granger Causality analysis(region by region by number of subjects) after Z conversion will be stored in the 'GCMOutput' folder located in the output directory. Also, you will find the preprocessed data there and you should use them as when calling GCM function. You can visualize it with the following function:

c_instance.visualize(obj, path_to_data, mode, subjectID)

The parameters are:

  • path_to_data
    • path to the 3D output matrix of connectivity function
  • mode
    • the mode can be 'm' or 'sn' that represents whether you need to have the mean of all subjects results or just an specific subject result. If you set mode as 'sn', you should then provide the subject number.
  • subjectID
    • the ID of the subject. Set it when the mode is 'sn'.

For example, set parameters as below:


Or if you want to visualize the results of a specific subject, provide its ID like:

c_instance.visualize('/Users/Documents/out/GCMOutput/GC3DMat.mat','sn', 2) 



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Connectivity of human brains recorded signals







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