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VC Verifier Library is a comprehensive Java/Kotlin library designed to enable the validation and verification of Verifiable Credentials (VCs), a crucial component in modern decentralized identity systems. This library provides a robust mechanism for verifying the authenticity and integrity of VCs, ensuring that the claims made within the credential are both valid and trustworthy.

Key Features:

  • VC Validation: The library validates the structure, signatures, and expiration of Verifiable Credentials to ensure they conform to the W3C VC standards.
  • Cryptographic Signature Verification: Supports the verification of cryptographic signatures using public keys, including EdDSA, RSA, and other supported algorithms, ensuring the integrity of the credential.
  • Compatibility with Various Data Models: It supports multiple VC data models (e.g., VC 1.1, VC 2.0), ensuring compatibility across various decentralized identity systems.

Supported VC Formats:

  • ldp_vc
  • mso_mdoc

Supported Algorithms:

  • PS256
  • RS256
  • EdDSA (Ed25519)

Proof Types Supported:

  • RsaSignature2018
  • Ed25519Signature2018
  • Ed25519Signature2020

Project Structure


  • constants
  • credentialverifier
    • types
    • validator
    • verifier
  • data
  • exception
  • signature
    • impl
  • utils
  • CredentialVerifier.kt

Package Description

  • constants - All Validator and Verifier constants are declared in this package.
  • credentialverifier - CredentialFactory for different credential formats are declared in this package. It also consists of classes for different credential formats.
  • data - It has data classes for Validation Status and Verification Result.
  • exception - Custom exceptions are defined in this package.
  • signature - Interface and Implementations for multiple Signature Verification are available in this package.
  • utils - It helper classes and methods that provide reusable and general-purpose functionalities across the project.
  • CredentialVerifier.kt - The CredentialVerifier.kt file serves as the main entry point to the VC Verifier Library. This class provides the primary interface for interacting with the library and encapsulates all the core functionalities related to validating and verifying Verifiable Credentials (VCs).

Integrating jar to Maven Project

Add Vc-Verifier in pom.xml

To integrate vc-verifier library into a Maven project , include below additional dependencies that are not managed via the pom.xml file of vc-verifier library.


Integrating aar to Gradle Project

To integrate vc-verifier library into a Gradle project , add below line in module level build.gradle.

dependencies {

To avoid Duplicate classes error while building the application, include the below exclusion strategy in the build.gradle file.

configurations.all {  
  resolutionStrategy {  
  exclude(module = "bcprov-jdk15to18")  
  exclude(module = "bcutil-jdk18on")  
  exclude(module = "bcprov-jdk15on")  
  exclude(module = "bcutil-jdk15on")  
  exclude(module = "titanium-json-ld")  

Note: version-number should be replaced with the actual version of the library from Maven Central.


Data Model 1.1 Data Model 2.0