To use the script, please follow the directions:
- Download the unsubscribes from all newsletter lists (not the DNM list, which is the global unsubs and we cannot use any of those emails. Each newsletter list keeps its own unsubscriber information) from our ESP (in this case, Maropost).
- If files are zipped, unzip them and name them in an identifiable manner.
- Download the subscribers from our supporters list (Fundraising and Subscription Offers).
- If file is zipped, unzip and name it "supporters.csv". The file has to have that name.
- Place all csv files (unzipped) into the same directory as the script "newsletter_unsubs_in_supporters.php".
- Run the script.
When the script finishes, there should be a file named "final_output.csv" which should have all newsletter unsubscribers who are still in the supporters list.
Please contact Young Kim if you have any questions.