Note: This project is created at ETHTokyo 2023 Hackathon and strongly WIP for now.
A framework of access control in a dApp that utilizes signatures created by Lit Protocol. This allows for 2 types of verifications to manage access control for dApp users by privacy-concerened ways.
ZKP-compliant BBS BLS signature (provided by MATTR) for the VC by executing the Node.js codes via Lit Actions. Currently, a Lit Action requests to the server outside (AWS Lambda) and create signature by Lit nodes themselves.
Real-time access control to dApps, meaning that, for example, if a user has a designated role on a Discord channel or the user is YouTube video contributor with 1 million views and writes the user's signature on its description, lit protocol will check the role in real-time, and grant them permission to execute the dApp.
To enable your dApps to be controlled by dKeeper features, just inherit the Keeper
contract, and deploy the dApp with the Lit Action PKP signature and verifier Lit Action IPFS CIDs in the constructor.
The design is inspired by Delegatable.sol.