$ ./oncompnet.sh <analysis-name> <input-bam-file> <nThreads> <input-hotspots-bed-file (optional)>
The following tools are required
- BCFTools - Normalize vcf and breake multiallelic variants
- Docker - Container which runs the main part of the analysis
- R version 3.6.2 - Variant annotation and report generation
- VariantAnnotation
- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
- org.Hs.eg.db
- knitr
- stringr
- xtable
- pander
- ggplot2
- timeSeries
- readr
- dplyr
- data.table
- httr
- jsonlite
- tidyr
- grid
- kableExtra
- WeasyPrint - Convert HTML rmarkdown output to pdf report
Directory | Content |
datasets | Contains the analyses subdirs. Each analysis dir can contain multiple BAM files belonging to each analysis |
params | TVC parameters json file presets. Currently hard-coded in oncopmnet shell script |
bed | PMNet custom BED file |
hotspots | Hotspot BED files to be used with the hotspot option |
ref_genome | Hg19 reference genome files |
tvc-out | Contains the output files organized in the same way as in datasets dir |
scripts | Scripts used in the analysis |
Analysis usually begins from a BAM file which is downloaded from local ION torrent server. The BAM file needs to be copied inside the analysis sub-directory under the datasets dir. Any required analysis sub-dirs will need to be manually created before the analysis. If the BAM file belongs to an already existing analysis sub-dir then it just needs to be copied to the right place.
WARNING: If the BAM file input in an analysis sub-dir already exists the analysis will exit with error. Generally, there can be no two identically named BAM files under the same analysis. If this is the case:
- either a different name must be given to the BAM file, or
- the BAM file should be assigned to a different analysis
The option to provide a hotspots BED file is provided. In this case the name of the hotspot file should be provided as the 5th positional arguement, which is optional.
WARNING: The hotspots file must be inside the hotspots directory.
The pipeline follows the next steps to produce the final report:
- Creation of a temporary container based on this image: https://hub.docker.com/r/sgsfak/tmap-tvc
- Inside the container
- Preparation of Hotspots VCF with tvcutils (if needed)
- Mapping with TMAP
- Aligned BAM sorting with samtools
- Sorted BAM indexing with samtools
- Alignment stats generation with samtools
- Variant calling with TVC
- Normalization of vcf and splitting of multi-allelic variants with BCFtools
- Variant annotation with Bioconductor VariantAnnotation
- Creation of HTML report with Rmarkdown
- Convertion of HTML report to PDF format with Weasyprint
Running an analysis will require the following detailed commands after having followed instructions described in Dataset Creation chapter:
$ cd /media/galadriel/fleming/oncopmnet/oncopmnet_pipeline
$ ./oncompnet.sh test_analysis PMN_S1-Q1DP 12 ocp_hotspot_blist_generated.bed>