Challenge for members in the Learning Team. The challenge tests basic understanding and application of ReactJS, as well as Chakra-UI
The challenge is simple, create a registration for the KE Web App of these exact specs:
- Only ReactJS and Chakra-UI is to be used. No other libraries can be used.
- All input fields and their corresponding types must be present
- Layout of the input fields should be similar, but styled individually
- You can change the colour, style, position of text boxes etc, but the UI should look nice and make sense
- No copying from other people
- Each individual React component should be in its own file and imported in the main layout.
- Most importantly, code should compile without any error.
- When the user selects the Block, the Block Selected should be changed to the latest block selected as well
- When the submit button is pressed, a function should be activated on click and change all of the
Your [] is: []
to reflect the current input using States
- Due Date: Week 7 of AY22/23 Semester 1
- Fork the repository into your Github
- Clone the Github repository into your local machine
- Create a new folder and label it with your name eg. james
- Copy the files in the
folder into your individual folder - Complete the challenge
- Write down your name in the page as well under the
This challenge is completed by: []
- Open a pull request back into the main Github repository for your submission