chore(deps-dev): bump requests from 2.31.0 to 2.32.0 #41
firefoxci-taskcluster / test-unit
May 21, 2024 in 4m 53s
FirefoxCI (pull_request)
Run unit tests
to validate the latest changes
View task in Taskcluster
View logs in Taskcluster
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:46.529Z] • Installing pyproject-api (1.6.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:46.529Z] • Downgrading virtualenv (20.26.2 -> 20.25.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:46.529Z] • Installing coverage (7.4.3)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:46.529Z] • Installing pytest (7.4.4)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:46.529Z] • Installing tox (4.13.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:46.529Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:46.529Z] Installing the current project: reps-new (0.3.6)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:46.529Z] clean: commands[1]> poetry run coverage erase
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.757Z] py311: install_package_deps> python -I -m pip install 'cookiecutter<3.0.0,>=2.6.0' 'halo<0.0.32,>=0.0.31' 'pip-tools<8.0.0,>=7.4.0' 'pre-commit<4.0.0,>=3.5.0' 'ruamel-yaml<0.19.0,>=0.18.6'
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.758Z] py311: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/.tox/.tmp/package/2/reps_new-0.3.6.tar.gz
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.759Z] py311: commands[0]> poetry install --with test
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.759Z] Installing dependencies from lock file
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.761Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.761Z] Package operations: 8 installs, 15 updates, 0 removals
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.761Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.761Z] • Downgrading filelock (3.14.0 -> 3.13.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.761Z] • Downgrading packaging (24.0 -> 23.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.761Z] • Downgrading platformdirs (4.2.2 -> 4.2.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.761Z] • Downgrading pygments (2.18.0 -> 2.17.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.762Z] • Downgrading pyproject-hooks (1.1.0 -> 1.0.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.762Z] • Downgrading python-dateutil (2.9.0.post0 -> 2.8.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.762Z] • Updating setuptools (69.1.0 -> 69.1.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.762Z] • Downgrading types-python-dateutil ( ->
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.762Z] • Downgrading build (1.2.1 -> 1.0.3)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.763Z] • Installing cachetools (5.3.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.763Z] • Downgrading identify (2.5.36 -> 2.5.35)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.763Z] • Installing iniconfig (2.0.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.763Z] • Downgrading jinja2 (3.1.4 -> 3.1.3)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.763Z] • Installing pluggy (1.4.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.763Z] • Installing pyproject-api (1.6.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] • Downgrading rich (13.7.1 -> 13.7.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] • Downgrading virtualenv (20.26.2 -> 20.25.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] • Installing coverage (7.4.3)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] • Downgrading pip-tools (7.4.1 -> 7.4.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] • Downgrading pre-commit (3.7.1 -> 3.5.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] • Installing pyright (1.1.351)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] • Installing pytest (7.4.4)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] • Installing tox (4.13.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] Installing the current project: reps-new (0.3.6)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] py311: commands[1]> poetry run python --version
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] Python 3.11.8
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] py311: commands[2]> poetry run coverage run --context=py311 -p -m pytest -vv
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] ============================= test session starts ==============================
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] platform linux -- Python 3.11.8, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.4.0 -- /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/.tox/py311/bin/python
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] cachedir: .tox/py311/.pytest_cache
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] rootdir: /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] configfile: pyproject.toml
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] testpaths: test
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] collecting ... collected 3 items
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] test/ PASSED [ 33%]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] test/[defaults] PASSED [ 66%]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z] test/[package_name_normalized] PASSED [100%]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.764Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:49.765Z] ========================= 3 passed in 71.11s (0:01:11) =========================
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] py310: install_package_deps> python -I -m pip install 'cookiecutter<3.0.0,>=2.6.0' 'halo<0.0.32,>=0.0.31' 'pip-tools<8.0.0,>=7.4.0' 'pre-commit<4.0.0,>=3.5.0' 'ruamel-yaml<0.19.0,>=0.18.6'
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] py310: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/.tox/.tmp/package/5/reps_new-0.3.6.tar.gz
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] py310: commands[0]> poetry install --with test
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] Installing dependencies from lock file
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] Package operations: 9 installs, 15 updates, 0 removals
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading filelock (3.14.0 -> 3.13.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading packaging (24.0 -> 23.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading platformdirs (4.2.2 -> 4.2.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading pygments (2.18.0 -> 2.17.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading pyproject-hooks (1.1.0 -> 1.0.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading python-dateutil (2.9.0.post0 -> 2.8.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Updating setuptools (69.1.0 -> 69.1.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading types-python-dateutil ( ->
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading build (1.2.1 -> 1.0.3)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Installing cachetools (5.3.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Installing exceptiongroup (1.2.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading identify (2.5.36 -> 2.5.35)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Installing iniconfig (2.0.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading jinja2 (3.1.4 -> 3.1.3)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Installing pluggy (1.4.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Installing pyproject-api (1.6.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading virtualenv (20.26.2 -> 20.25.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading rich (13.7.1 -> 13.7.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Installing coverage (7.4.3)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading pip-tools (7.4.1 -> 7.4.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Downgrading pre-commit (3.7.1 -> 3.5.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Installing pytest (7.4.4)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Installing pyright (1.1.351)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] • Installing tox (4.13.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] Installing the current project: reps-new (0.3.6)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] py310: commands[1]> poetry run python --version
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] Python 3.10.13
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] py310: commands[2]> poetry run coverage run --context=py310 -p -m pytest -vv
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] ============================= test session starts ==============================
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] platform linux -- Python 3.10.13, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.4.0 -- /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/.tox/py310/bin/python
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] cachedir: .tox/py310/.pytest_cache
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] rootdir: /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] configfile: pyproject.toml
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] testpaths: test
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] collecting ... collected 3 items
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] test/ PASSED [ 33%]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] test/[defaults] PASSED [ 66%]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] test/[package_name_normalized] PASSED [100%]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.407Z] ============================== 3 passed in 59.68s ==============================
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.703Z] py38: install_package_deps> python -I -m pip install 'cookiecutter<3.0.0,>=2.6.0' 'halo<0.0.32,>=0.0.31' 'pip-tools<8.0.0,>=7.4.0' 'pre-commit<4.0.0,>=3.5.0' 'ruamel-yaml<0.19.0,>=0.18.6'
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.703Z] py38: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/.tox/.tmp/package/3/reps_new-0.3.6.tar.gz
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.703Z] py38: commands[0]> poetry install --with test
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.703Z] Installing dependencies from lock file
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] Package operations: 9 installs, 17 updates, 0 removals
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading zipp (3.18.2 -> 3.17.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading filelock (3.14.0 -> 3.13.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading importlib-metadata (7.1.0 -> 7.0.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading packaging (24.0 -> 23.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading platformdirs (4.2.2 -> 4.2.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading pygments (2.18.0 -> 2.17.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading pyproject-hooks (1.1.0 -> 1.0.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading python-dateutil (2.9.0.post0 -> 2.8.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Updating setuptools (69.1.0 -> 69.1.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading types-python-dateutil ( ->
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading typing-extensions (4.11.0 -> 4.10.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading build (1.2.1 -> 1.0.3)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Installing cachetools (5.3.2)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Installing exceptiongroup (1.2.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading identify (2.5.36 -> 2.5.35)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Installing iniconfig (2.0.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading jinja2 (3.1.4 -> 3.1.3)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Installing pluggy (1.4.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Installing pyproject-api (1.6.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading rich (13.7.1 -> 13.7.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading virtualenv (20.26.2 -> 20.25.1)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Installing coverage (7.4.3)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Downgrading pip-tools (7.4.1 -> 7.4.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Installing pyright (1.1.351)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Installing tox (4.13.0)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z] • Installing pytest (7.4.4)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.704Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] Installing the current project: reps-new (0.3.6)
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] py38: commands[1]> poetry run python --version
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] Python 3.8.18
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] py38: commands[2]> poetry run coverage run --context=py38 -p -m pytest -vv
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] ============================= test session starts ==============================
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] platform linux -- Python 3.8.18, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.4.0 -- /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/.tox/py38/bin/python
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] cachedir: .tox/py38/.pytest_cache
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] rootdir: /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] configfile: pyproject.toml
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] testpaths: test
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] collecting ... collected 3 items
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] test/ PASSED [ 33%]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] test/[defaults] PASSED [ 66%]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] test/[package_name_normalized] PASSED [100%]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z]
[task 2024-05-21T05:59:51.705Z] ========================= 3 passed in 60.12s (0:01:00) =========================
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] py39: install_package_deps> python -I -m pip install 'cookiecutter<3.0.0,>=2.6.0' 'halo<0.0.32,>=0.0.31' 'pip-tools<8.0.0,>=7.4.0' 'pre-commit<4.0.0,>=3.5.0' 'ruamel-yaml<0.19.0,>=0.18.6'
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] py39: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/.tox/.tmp/package/4/reps_new-0.3.6.tar.gz
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] py39: commands[0]> poetry install --with test
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] Installing dependencies from lock file
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] Package operations: 9 installs, 17 updates, 0 removals
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading zipp (3.18.2 -> 3.17.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading filelock (3.14.0 -> 3.13.1)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading importlib-metadata (7.1.0 -> 7.0.1)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading packaging (24.0 -> 23.2)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading platformdirs (4.2.2 -> 4.2.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading pygments (2.18.0 -> 2.17.2)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading pyproject-hooks (1.1.0 -> 1.0.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading python-dateutil (2.9.0.post0 -> 2.8.2)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Updating setuptools (69.1.0 -> 69.1.1)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading types-python-dateutil ( ->
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading build (1.2.1 -> 1.0.3)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Installing cachetools (5.3.2)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Installing exceptiongroup (1.2.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading identify (2.5.36 -> 2.5.35)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Installing iniconfig (2.0.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading jinja2 (3.1.4 -> 3.1.3)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Installing pluggy (1.4.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Installing pyproject-api (1.6.1)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading rich (13.7.1 -> 13.7.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading virtualenv (20.26.2 -> 20.25.1)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Installing coverage (7.4.3)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading pip-tools (7.4.1 -> 7.4.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Downgrading pre-commit (3.7.1 -> 3.5.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Installing pyright (1.1.351)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Installing pytest (7.4.4)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] • Installing tox (4.13.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] Installing the current project: reps-new (0.3.6)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] py39: commands[1]> poetry run python --version
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] Python 3.9.18
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] py39: commands[2]> poetry run coverage run --context=py39 -p -m pytest -vv
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.987Z] ============================= test session starts ==============================
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] platform linux -- Python 3.9.18, pytest-7.4.4, pluggy-1.4.0 -- /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/.tox/py39/bin/python
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] cachedir: .tox/py39/.pytest_cache
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] rootdir: /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] configfile: pyproject.toml
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] testpaths: test
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] collecting ... collected 3 items
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] test/ PASSED [ 33%]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] test/[defaults] PASSED [ 66%]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] test/[package_name_normalized] PASSED [100%]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] ============================== 3 passed in 58.87s ==============================
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] .pkg: _exit> python /builds/worker/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/reps-new-hlUNdH3O-py3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyproject_api/ True poetry.core.masonry.api
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] report: install_package_deps> python -I -m pip install 'cookiecutter<3.0.0,>=2.6.0' 'halo<0.0.32,>=0.0.31' 'pip-tools<8.0.0,>=7.4.0' 'pre-commit<4.0.0,>=3.5.0' 'ruamel-yaml<0.19.0,>=0.18.6'
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] report: install_package> python -I -m pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps /builds/worker/checkouts/vcs/.tox/.tmp/package/6/reps_new-0.3.6.tar.gz
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] report: commands[0]> poetry install --only test
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] Installing dependencies from lock file
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] Package operations: 7 installs, 4 updates, 0 removals
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Downgrading filelock (3.14.0 -> 3.13.1)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Downgrading packaging (24.0 -> 23.2)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Downgrading platformdirs (4.2.2 -> 4.2.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Installing cachetools (5.3.2)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Installing iniconfig (2.0.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Installing pluggy (1.4.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Installing pyproject-api (1.6.1)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Downgrading virtualenv (20.26.2 -> 20.25.1)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Installing coverage (7.4.3)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Installing pytest (7.4.4)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] • Installing tox (4.13.0)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z]
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] Installing the current project: reps-new (0.3.6)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] report: commands[1]> poetry run coverage combine
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] Combined data file .coverage.3d2d12065cf9.1558.XHbEAUGx
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] Combined data file .coverage.3d2d12065cf9.1598.XRSzrrZx
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] Combined data file .coverage.3d2d12065cf9.1242.XQmjBXDx
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] Combined data file .coverage.3d2d12065cf9.1573.Xyrtyovx
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] report: commands[2]> poetry run coverage xml -o /builds/worker/artifacts/coverage.xml
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] Wrote XML report to /builds/worker/artifacts/coverage.xml
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] clean: OK ✔ in 16.12 seconds
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] py311: OK ✔ in 2 minutes 7.26 seconds
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] py310: OK ✔ in 2 minutes 10.49 seconds
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.988Z] py38: OK ✔ in 2 minutes 12.14 seconds
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.990Z] py39: OK ✔ in 2 minutes 12.44 seconds
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.990Z] clean: OK (16.12=setup[12.97]+cmd[2.57,0.59] seconds)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.990Z] py38: OK (132.14=setup[38.15]+cmd[26.19,1.45,66.35] seconds)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.992Z] py39: OK (132.44=setup[39.26]+cmd[26.19,1.18,65.81] seconds)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.992Z] py310: OK (130.49=setup[39.54]+cmd[24.57,1.31,65.07] seconds)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.993Z] py311: OK (127.26=setup[26.16]+cmd[14.37,1.14,85.58] seconds)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.993Z] report: OK (12.28=setup[8.63]+cmd[2.58,0.57,0.50] seconds)
[task 2024-05-21T06:00:03.994Z] congratulations :) (161.00 seconds)
[taskcluster 2024-05-21 06:00:04.292Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2024-05-21 06:00:04.569Z] Successful task run with exit code: 0 completed in 214.89 seconds