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Testing using ATS files

Yury Delendik edited this page May 3, 2015 · 6 revisions


ATS (automated test suite) contains SWF files from different popular web sites.

Contains (estimated):

  • By AVM versions:
    • AVM1 - 67152
    • AVM2 - 23942
  • Ads

NOTE: No warranty at all. The files can be dangerous, illegal, offensive, and so on. Use it at your own risk.

Setup ATS

Uncompress SWF files

Using tar uncompress all file into "./test/ats/swfs/" (you can also use symlink).

Install Mongo DB

Copy database

Retrive database and SWF files from the Shumway project developers (?).


If the monogo service was stopped (e.g. during initial computer start), start it using grunt exec:start_ats_db.

There are several commands you can use for testing:

  • grunt exec:test_swf_all - executes all tests files
  • grunt exec:test_swf_avm2_all - executes all AVM2 tests files