An Extension to the Tkinter Label, which allows to animate gif images.
This example shows how easy you can animate a gif in Python. Basicaly the Gif object is handled as label.
import Tkinter as tk
import tkinter as tk
from Gif import *
root = tk.Tk()
# Create a new Gif just like a Tk Label
gif = Gif(root, gif="test.gif")
# After the gif is packed the animation can start
# threaded=False -> No extra thread for animation
# interval=10 -> Every 10 miliseconds a new
# Frame
# n_repeats=-1 -> Endless animation
# Use a positive integer to
# define a finit number of animations
gif.animate(threaded=False, interval=10, n_repeats=-1)
- threaded: Boolean, indicates if an extra thread should be used for the Animation or not
- interval: Integer, Miliseconds between each frame
- n_repats: Integer, Number of repeated animations. If a negative Integer is passed the animation is endless