This project allows to derive HRTF datasets from the HUTUBS database for any desired set of directions. It uses the HRIR representation given as SH-coefficients and converts them to a NumPy array for a given set of angles (theta, phi).
The HUTUBS HRIR datasets should be placed in the folder HUTUBS_HRIRs. Download the dataset from the HUTUBS project website
Use the function get_HRTFs_fromSH to get frequency-domain data for the requested directions. Here an example for getting HRIRs for the front direction, 45 degree to the left side and 90 degree to the left side.
import numpy as np
from HUTUBS_anywhere import get_HRTFs_fromSH
# angles given in rad
theta = np.array([np.pi/2, np.pi/2, np.pi/2])
phi = np.array([0, np.pi/4, np.pi/2])
HRTFs, sampling_rate = get_HRTFs_fromSH('./HUTUBS_HRIRs_2/pp21_SHcoefficients_simulated.mat', theta, phi)
HRIRs = np.fft.irfft(HRTFs)