- initialize repository
- make a basic API project for showing list of products by rest framework
- primary comments was added.
- auto slug feature was added (signals.py).
- change database columns. models.py, serializers.py files was edited.
- signals.py file was created.
- fix some bugs in models.py and serializers.py files.
- switch database from sqlite to postgresql.
- hidden important and personal information in settings.py file, .env-sample file was added.
- url router and viewset class. urls.py and views.py files was edited.
- add some tests to tests.py file.
- models.py, urls.py (config), settings.py files was edited.
- add create and retrieve Api view in views.py file.
- settings.py --> Add 'django_cleanup.apps.CleanupConfig' to INSTALLED_APPS.
- admin.py --> Register 'Brand' and 'Category' models.
- models.py --> Add 'Brand' and 'Category' models. Change modeling system (better modeling).
- serializers.py --> Add 'create' method to make new object for 'Brand' and 'Category' models.
- signals.py --> Update slug generator (better slug generator).
- views.py --> Add feature to download images from received urls and set that for current object (ImageField get image just not url).
- change structure of application --> Add 'account' and 'api' app.
- admin.py --> add some settings.
- authentication system --> change default User system.
- Brand model removed.
- add some filter for products.
- use dj-rest-auth and jwt in project.
- add view(hit) counter system for products.
- Add vendor field to 'product' model.
- Fix some bugs.