This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 3, 2023. It is now read-only.
This is the final release of the DSMRloggerWS firmware.
We are moving on to a, completely and only, restAPI based firmware version (DSMRloggerAPI) ... but we will keep supporting MQTT.
The file DSMRloggerWS_v1.0.4_4M1M.ino.bin is compiled with these options:
/******************** compiler options ********************************************/ #define IS_ESP12 // define if it's a 'bare' ESP-12 (no reset/flash functionality on board) #define USE_UPDATE_SERVER // define if there is enough memory and updateServer to be used #define USE_MQTT // define if you want to use MQTT #define USE_MINDERGAS // define if you want to update mindergas (also add token down below) // #define USE_PRE40_PROTOCOL // define if Slimme Meter is pre DSMR 4.0 (2.2 .. 3.0) // #define USE_NTP_TIME // define to generate Timestamp from NTP (Only Winter Time for now)-only use with DSMR 3.0 or lower #define HAS_OLED_SSD1306 // define if a 0.96" OLED display is present // #define HAS_OLED_SH1106 // define if a 1.3" OLED display is present // #define HAS_NO_METER // define if No "Slimme Meter" is attached (*TESTING*) // #define SM_HAS_NO_FASE_INFO // if your SM does not give fase info use total delevered/returned // #define SHOW_PASSWRDS // well .. show the PSK key and MQTT password, what else? /******************** don't change anything below this comment **********************/
In DSMRloggerWS_v1.0.4_1M.spiffs.bin you will find the following files:
- DSMRlogger.html - DSMRlogger.js - DSMRlogger.css - FSexplorer.html - FSexplorer.js - FSexplorers.css - FSexplorer.png - DSMReditor.html - DSMReditor.js - DSMRgraphics.js