Lightweight Data Analysis Framework. Inspired from R and Python-Pandas. All because we wanted to learn Java.
Two major concepts:
- DataFrame
- Series
You can refer here for the API docs. Get the JAR.
DataFrame df = Koalas.readCSV("example.csv");
name age subject score
alice 10.0 Math 7.0
bar 10.0 Physics 100.0
charlie 11.0 Chemistry 99.0
doug 12.0 Physics 95.0
eve 9.0 Physics 4.0
foo 13.0 Chemistry 101.0
george 12.0 Math 92.0
harry 11.0 Chemistry 96.0
idiot 11.0 Physics 1.0
joker 12.0 Chemistry 2.0
//Note:- All numeric columns are cast as float!
Series s = df.get("name"); // Get one column
String[] col = {"name","age"};
DataFrame dfp = df.get(col); // Get multiple columns
Series s = df.ix(0); // Get one row
Integer[] row = {0,2,4};
DataFrame dfs = df.ix(row); // Get multiple rows
/* Subsetting DataFrame on conditions requires a Series of Boolean.
Use the Series' Relational operators such as eq(),gt(),lt() and
optionally Logical operators such as and(), or(), not() to setup
the boolean Series for subsetting. Yay! No Operator Overloading!
The below statement is equivalent to the SQL statement
SELECT * from df WHERE subject = 'Physics' AND score > 10;
Series condition = df.get("subject").eq("Physics").and(df.get("score").gt(10.0f));
DataFrame dfs1 = df.subset(condition);
// Quicksort of course!
String[] cols = {"subject","age"}; //First sort by and then by
Integer[] order = {0,1}; //First ascending and then descending
String[] cols= {"name"};
DataFrame dfm = Koalas.join(df, df, cols,"right");
Apply func = new Apply() {
public Object map(Series x) {
return x.sum();
String[] cols= {"score"};
String[] by= {"subject"};
DataFrame dfg= df.groupBy(cols,by,func);
Extends ArrayList, supports many mathematical methods of Pandas' Series and displays the Recycable nature of the R vector.
Series S = Series.from(1,2,3);
// [1,2,3,4]
// 2.5
// [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0]