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== MonsterMoon Extended ==

MonsterMoon Extended is an extended version of the MonsterMoon plugin adding new commands.


In NetHack moon phases affect the environment -- and with this plugin that can
happen in Minecraft too!

With this small plugin you can:
* Create custom size calendars and simple linear procedures for each of your
* Calendar that has multiple of eight (8, 16, 24, ...) number of days can be
linked to the moon phases.
* Set difficulty levels, PVP, spawning, and run custom commands on per-day and
per-world level.
* Create a set of totally random events!
* Create an //once in a blue moon// event, that happens both very rarely and
very predictably (if you count the days...)

A simple example:
<<code yaml>>
WorldName:                        # On this world...
  day-begins: dawn                # ... days will change when the sun rises.

  - say MonsterMoon is now activated for world "WorldName"!

  - say Server level defaults are automatically restored!

  spawn-monsters: false           # In this world monsters do not normally
				  # spawn...


      spawn-monsters: true        # ... except on Mondays, and on Tuesdays...

      spawn-monsters: true false  # ... there is 50 % possibility of monsters.

    Wednesday: void               # World level defaults are restored on
				  # Wednesday.

      - say This command is run when Thursday begins.

      pvp: true                   # This setting overdrives the server default.

    Saturday: void                # Defaults are restored.

    Sunday: void                  # And defaults here too.

=== Installation ===

Installation is done [[|the usual way]]
, just drop the //MonsterMoon.jar// into the //plugins// directory and
///reload// server plugins.

Configuration is done via the //plugins/MonsterMoon/config.yml// file. When you
run MonsterMoon the first time it will create an example configuration file that
you can edit.

=== Format of the //config.yml// ===
<<code yaml>>
WorldName:                  # Name of the world where the following rules apply:

  [properties]              # Default properties for this world. (See the list
			    # below.)

  commands[-on-enable]:     # Commands that are executed when MonsterMoon is
			    # being enabled.
  - say MonsterMoon is on!
  - tell Player1 Hello!

  commands-on-disable:      # Commands that are executed when MonsterMoon is
			    # being disabled.
  - tell Player1 Bye!
  - say MonsterMoon is off!

  day-begins: midnight      # Time when day is considered changed. (See values
			    # below.)
  day-order: universal      # In which order the following calendar days are
			    # applied. (See values below.)

  calendar:                 # This world has the following calendar days:

    Monday:                 # Name for this day
      [properties]          # Properties for this day. (See the list below.)
      commands:             # Commands that are executed on this day.
      - say It's Monday.

      - say It's Tuesday.


==== Note ====
You can create empty (nothing but default values) calendar days, but due to the
//YAML// format each day must have some content. Use something like the
following to create days that do not have any events:

<<code yaml>>
    Monday: void
    Tuesday: still nothing  # (It does not actually matter what is written
			    # here.)
    Wednesday: _

=== Possible [properties] are ===

<<code yaml>>
    [Number]        # number in range [0..3]
    peaceful        # same as 0
    easy            # same as 1
    normal          # same as 2
    hard            # same as 3
    default         # use default value (for this world)
    server-default  # use default value (for this server)
    no-change       # preserve the current value

    true            # property is active
    false           # property is not active
    default         # use default value (for this world)
    server-default  # use default value (for this server)
    no-change       # preserve the current value

These properties are set by per-world and per-day basis and will override the
values set in the // file.

==== Scope ====

If property is **not** defined for a calendar day, a world default value will be
used instead. For example:
<<code yaml>>
    spawn-monsters: false      # Monsters do not usually spawn on SomeWorld

        spawn-monsters: true   # Monsters will spawn on Monday

      Tuesday: void            # Monsters will NOT spawn on Tuesday, because
                               # SomeWorld default is false
      Wednesday: void

If you want properties to propagate you have to set either Tuesday or the world
default to //no-change//. For example:
<<code yaml>>
    spawn-monsters: no-change  # Leave values as-is (initially use server
			       # default)

        spawn-monsters: true   # Monsters will spawn on Monday

      Tuesday: void            # Monsters will spawn on Tuesday!

      Wednesday: void

==== To randomize properties ====

You can randomize properties by introducing multiple possible values on the same

<<code yaml>>
  spawn-monsters: no-change no-change false  # There is 33.33% possibility
                                             # that monster spawning will cease.

=== Possible values for //day-begins// are ===
<<code yaml>>
    [Number]          # The actual time of day.
    midnight          # same as -6000
    sunrise           # same as 0
    midday            # same as 6000
    sunset            # same as 12000
<<code yaml>>
  day-begins: 9000    # Day will change at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

==== Technical details ====

Negative numbers are allowed because the actual time is calculated as a
//delta// to the world.getFullTime(). This means that numbers over 24000 are
also allowed.

<<code yaml>>
  day-begins: 6000

  When Monday begins the time is:
    world.getFullTime() == 222000, world.getTime() == 6000

  Tuesday is now scheduled to begin at:
    (222000 - (222000 % 24000) + 24000) + 6000 == 246000
                                          ^ 'day-begins' delta

=== Possible values for //day-order// are ===

<<code yaml>>
    universal       # The next day will be determined from the global time
    linear          # First day of the calendar is always executed first
    random          # Days follow each other in random order

==== Notes and Usage Ideas ====

* To create a fixed "moon phase" calendar use //day-order: universal// with a
calendar that has multiple of eight (8, 16, 24, ...) number of days.
* To create a simple procedure that is guaranteed to proceed in a linear order
use //day-order: linear//.
* To create a random set of events use //day-order: random//.
* In //day-order: universal// days are guaranteed to be a day long, but in
//linear// and //random// mode days can actually be much shorter if you use the
//day-begins// property creatively.

=== About /time ===

Using ///time add// or ///time set// throws MonsterMoon out of sync. You can
either wait the problem to solve itself (it will), or fix it manually by
stopping and restarting MonsterMoon calendar:

 * Stop MonsterMoon in world "WorldName": ///monstermoon WorldName stop//
 * Add some time: ///time add 10000//
 * Restart MonsterMoon in world "WorldName": ///monstermoon WorldName start//

=== Compatibility ===

Compiled with Oracle Java 1.7.0_21 against Bukkit 1.5.2-R0.1 API.

=== License ===

GPLv3. See the COPYING file.

=== Source Code ===

May be found at


Extension of the MonsterMoon plugin for Bukkit.







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