A tool for organizing and managing computational experiments.
Platform | Build |
Visual Studio 2019 | |
Linux |
You need to have .Net Core SDK 2.1.300 or newer installed.
If you have it install the latest version of Alpheus with
dotnet tool install --global Alpheus-cli
You can call alpheus
in the command line
C:\project1>alpheus help
USAGE: alpheus [help] [<subcommand> [<options>]]
init <options> Make the current directory an Alpheus experiment directory
config <options> Modify configuration of research directory
build <options> Creates an experiment graph node
compute <options> Tries to compute the graph to make the outdated node up to date
status <options> Prints the graph status for particular .alph file
save <options> Save a copy of file/directory to the storage(s)
restore <options> Restore a copy of the file/directory from storage
Use 'alpheus <subcommand> help' for additional information.
help display this list of options.