Semantic Search System for Policy Documents
Overview: This project focuses on creating a semantic search system tailored for policy documents, integrating advanced techniques for document processing, vector embeddings, and coherent answer generation. The system comprises three key layers: embedding, searching, and generation, each optimized for enhanced performance.
Project Structure:
Embedding Layer: Explore various PDF document processing and chunking strategies. Choose between OpenAI's embedding model or SentenceTransformers for vector representations.
Search Layer: Design three diverse queries reflecting potential user questions in policy documents. Implement vector database searches against ChromaDB, incorporating a cache mechanism. Enhance search results with a re-ranking block using cross-encoding models from HuggingFace.
Rerank after cross encoding provided
- Generation Layer: Design an exhaustive and instructive prompt for the Language Model (LM) to ensure coherent answer generation.Provide a few-shot example in the prompt to improve LM output.
Performance Evaluation: Thoroughly assess the impact of different strategies, models, and components on system performance.Consider scalability by addressing potential increases in document numbers or user queries. Getting Started:
- Install the required libraries:
pip install pdfplumber tiktoken openai chromaDB sentence-transformers -q
. - Mount Google Drive:
from google.colab import drive; drive.mount('/content/drive', force_remount=True)
. - Follow step-by-step instructions in the codebase to implement the Embedding, Search, and Generation layers.