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Extended library of libre3d/render-3d by Jonathan Foote to help interpret SCAD file, gnerate adjustable parameter inputs, and save to a new SCAD file.

For more details, please see Coming soon!


Since most-3-d-customizer is an extended library of libre3d/render-3d, so the requirements are the same as the original library.


For already Composer user, add "libre3d/render-3d": "~1.2.0" to the require section, and then run composer update.

For new Composer user, clone or download this repository and download Composer. Then run php composer.phar install from the root folder of this library to install all dependencies. For more information click here.


The usage of the library is demostrated in PHP file called index.php in the root folder.

To include the composer vendor autoload PHP file, a line of PHP code need to be added as:

require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'most-3d-customizer/vendor/autoload.php';

The SCAD file name is passing as parameter in URL. Then the Customizer object need to be created and working folder, command and path for OpenSCAD and POV-Ray need to be set. This is an example of the usage.

$scadfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/most-3d-customizer/start/'.$_GET['scadfile'];

$customizer = new \Libre3d\Render3d\Customizer();

// this is the working directory, where it will put any files used during the render process, as well as the final
// rendered image.

// Set paths to the executables on this system
$customizer->executable('openscad', '/path/to/openscad');
$customizer->executable('povray', '/path/to/povray');

try {
	// This will copy in your starting file into the working DIR if you give the full path to the starting file.
	// This will also set the fileType for you.

	// Render!  This will do all the necessary conversions as long as the render engine (in this
	// case, the default engine, PovRAY) "knows" how to convert the file into a file it can use for rendering.
	// Note that this is a multi-step process that can be further broken down if you need it to.
	$renderedImagePath = $customizer->render('povray');

	echo "Render successful!  Rendered image will be at $renderedImagePath";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
	echo "Render failed :( Exception: ".$e->getMessage();

$result = $customizer->readSCAD($scadfile);

$rows = count($result);

for($i=0;$i<$rows;$i++) {
	//@ 0:description, 1:variable name, 2: value, 3:possible value
	$element = $render3d->generateElement($result[$i],$i);
	echo $element;

//@ for saving a new SCAD file
$newscadname = $render3d->writeSCAD($scadfile, $result);

The main workflow:

  • Read SCAD file and extract adjustable parameters.
  • Generate HTML element input for each parameter.
  • Save adjusted parameters to a new SCAD file.

Parameter format

  • Textbox
    • variable_name = value;
  • Dropdown box
    • Numbers
      • variable_name = value; // [0,1,2,3,4]
    • Text
      • variable_name = value; // [yes,no]
    • Labeled value
      • variable_name = value; // [10:S,20:M,30:L]
  • Slider or range
    • max only (min is zero)
      • variable_name = value; // [40]
    • min and max
      • variable_name = value; // [1:10]
    • min, step, max
      • variable_name = value; // [1:0.5:10]


Thank you, Jonathan Foote for sharing libre3d/render-3d.


MOST Open Source 3-D Customizer







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