With "Weather Stats" atmospheric temperature-, humidity- and pressure data can be long-term saved and displayed. The data can be collected for example with the BME280. Boards with this sensor can be purchased in various online shops and operated with a Raspberry Pi for example.
This application is an easy and efficient way to collect and display collected weather data. It is not necessary to connect to a database server or to install a new one. Also it is not necessary to use Grafana to show the collected data. The entire application consists of a few PHP files and a few lines of JavaScript code. Charts are drawn with the use of the JavaScript library Chart.js. The data is persisted in a SQLite database, which is natively supported by PHP (no installation required). This application runs in a single Docker comtainer and uses a official PHP Docker image.
The application is basic-auth-secured. Set your credentials in the env file and in your helm chart values file. This authentication method is only secure with activated transport encryption!
Run the last image version:
docker run -p 80:80 -it --rm --env-file ./env --name weather-stats inettech/weather-stats
Run the latest image version and mount the database directory on the host file system:
docker run -v `pwd`/db:/db -p 80:80 -it --rm --env-file ./env --name weather-stats inettech/weather-stats
Run and mount the web directory:
docker build -t weather-stats .
docker run -v `pwd`/app:/var/www/html/ -p 80:80 -it --rm --env-file ./env --name weather-stats weather-stats
curl http://Testuser:Testpass@localhost/init.php
curl http://Testuser:Testpass@localhost/save.php --data "sensorid=1&temperature=22&pressure=1008&humidity=60"
Simply copy the database file weather.db
to location of your choice. With Docker:
docker cp weather-stats:/db/weather.db /path/to/backups/weather.db
Simply send the POST parameters "sensorid", "temperature", "pressure" and "humidity" to "/save.php". For example with curl:
curl https://Testuser:Testpass@weather_server/save.php --data "sensorid=1&temperature=22&pressure=1008&humidity=60"
or with "Python-Requests":
import requests
requests.post("http://Testuser:Testpass@localhost/save.php", data={'sensorid':'1','temperature':'22','pressure':'1008','humidity':'60'})
Show data from multiple sensors.