- Authors
Stuart Owen, Matthew Horridge
- Contact
- Licence
BSD (See LICENCE or www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)
- Copyright
© 2009-2018 The University of Manchester, UK
- Website
<img src=“https://travis-ci.org/myGrid/RightField.svg” alt=“Build Status” />
RightField is open source and free to use, and will remain so. To help support RightField, and its future development, please take a moment to register your interest or use of it at www.rightfield.org.uk/registration
RightField is an open-source tool for adding ontology term selection to Excel spreadsheets. For each annotation field, RightField can specify a range of allowed terms from a chosen ontology (subclasses, individuals or combinations). The resulting spreadsheet presents these terms to the users as a simple drop-down list. This reduces the adoption barrier for using community ontologies as the annotation is made by the scientist that generated the data rather than a third party, and the annotation is collected at the time of data collection.
For more information please visit www.rightfield.org.uk
If you wish your build of RightField to work with BioPortal you need an API key. To obtain an API key, register (if you have not already) and login with BioPortal and go to “Account” where your API key will be displayed. This key should then be placed in a text file located at src/main/resources/bioportal_api_key (unfortunately we are unable to include this key with the source code).
To compile RightField you are required to have both Apache Maven2 and the Java 1.8 JDK installed.
>mvn assembly:directory
This will create an unzipped distribution directory in the target/rightfield-{version}/ directory.
To create a zipped package run
>mvn assembly:assembly