5+ years experienced open-source project developer and contributor, technology enthusiastic Software Developer.
- Golang & Mockgen & Goreleaser & Viper & DockerAPI
- Golang & Gorm & Mysql & Docker
- RabbitMQ & Typescript & MongoDB & Docker & Sinon
- Typescript & Puppeteer & CircleCI & Jest
- Asp.Net Core
- C# & Sockets
- React & Redux
- Svelte & TailwindCSS
- WebDriverIO & Appium & Browserstack API & Cucumber
- Gin & Golang
- Implement Kafka Topics Joiner With Golang 🔥
- 🔎 Comparisons of Drawing&Note Applications
- Local Pipeline Project Like Gitlab CI/CD With Golang and Docker 🚀
- Svelte&Tailwind First Look With Socket.io Chat Application Example🚀
- Creating Websocket Handshake with Golang from Scratch
- Using GitLab Private Go Package On Your Local Setup and CI
- Mobile App Acceptance Testing using JavaScript on Local & BrowserStack Environments with WebDriver.IO & Appium
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]