My own port of the ROS ccny_ground_station stack originally implemented by the folks from CCNY, forked from ccny-ros-pkg-pbouffard. It is a work in progress to get it working with ROS Fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise), subscribing to topics published by asctec_mav_framework, rather than asctec_drivers.
In order for the stack (i.e., the 3 packages within it) to compile, some system dependencies must be already installed. The list of packages one should install (e.g., using apt-get install) are: gnome-common gtk-doc-tools libsoup2.4-1 libsoup2.4-dev libglade2-0 libglade2-dev
In addition, one should install the following ROS packages: ros-fuerte-gps-drivers ros-fuerte-gps-umd
DISCLAIMER: I cannot guarantee there will not be any other dependencies not met on systems other than mine. I have installed Ubuntu 12.04.1 and ROS Fuerte (ros-fuerte-desktop-full). I have also installed a handful of other packages, so please do pay attention to the output messages whilst running rosmake.