I am going to collect all the examples that I have posted in the Onsen Community forums as a reference point for people new to Onsen. A note though, I am not an Onsen employee nor am I an expert programmer. Although, I do have considerable experience in programming, my code is not always without fault. Feel free to make a comment here or on the community forums. Thank you for stopping by!
#References https://community.onsen.io/ - Onsen Community Forums
https://monaca.io/ - Main Monaca Website
https://gitter.im/OnsenUI/OnsenUI - Gitter Chat Room for Onsen related issues
https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI - That's right! Onsen is open source.
http://tutorial.onsen.io/ - Tutorials for Onsen with Angular 1, Angular 2, React, Vue.JS and Vanilla JS - the best JS!
https://discordapp.com/invite/JWhBbnE - Discord!